Chapter One

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My names Skye I'm twenty years old, I was born in Canada. Since I was sixteen I've lived in Russia and played professional women's hockey since then. I've graduated high school there and even started my first year of university. I've won three championship cups, with this third Cup I've decided to bring it to Toronto and party until I take it home to Vancouver. But what happens next is totally unexpected

"Girls we've landed." I said, the few Canadian girls on the team woke up. The girls from Russia didn't wake up I sighed
"мы приземлились" I said in Russian, the immediately shook awake.
We all filed off the plane, I smelt the warm air of Toronto. I looked back Ashely had the Chandler Cup in her arms. There was paparazzi surrounding us getting photos of us. We all walked into the airport, Ashley's  whole family was their applauding us. Ashely stepped forward with the cup and smiling. The whole team lined up and got a photo together.
"We did it again Skye." Said Samantha in her thick Russian accent
As captain of the team I take pride in the three consecutive championships we've won.
"We sure have." I smiled putting my arm around her
We all walked through the airport I hugged some of Ashely's family members as they congratulated us.
Once the team got their bags we got into the limo.
"Let's get partying everyone" yelled Jessica
We all cheered

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