Part Twelve

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I landed in Vancouver and grabbed my bags. Samantha was waiting to pick me up.
"Hey girl how was Dallas?" She smiled hugging me
"Amazing I'm kinda bummed to be home." I said walking with her
"Oh I know, how's the hottie?" She laughed
"Ugh I'm so nuts for him it's not even funny. He's coming down in a week to meet my family and he's invited all my friends and family to the game against the canucks." I giggled
"Yaaasss let's get lit at the hockey game." She laughed
"Oh you know I will be." I laughed
We got into the car and she dropped me off at my parents place. I got in the door and my dog was loosing it
"Hi Remy I missed you." I smiled bending down to pet him
"There She is! How was Dallas?" My mom asked coming down the stairs
"Amazing I wish I never came home." I laughed
"Aweh honey how's the boyfriend?" Said my dad
"Don't even get me started he's so awesome! He made me breakfast in bed and he took me for dinner." I smiled
"That's so good! When do we meet him?" Asked my dad
"Seven days actually." I couldn't help but giggle a little bit

Seven days couldn't have come quicker Tyler and I had talked everyday and I watched all of his games. I was driving to the airport to get him. Words couldn't describe how excited I was. I wonder if he was just as excited as I was? I pulled into the airport just as Tylers plane was landing I wanted for him at the arrivals gate. I was so gitty and happy I could barely contain myself. I saw him walking down the terminal and I ran to him and jumped into his arms.
"Hi baby!" He said picking me up and spinning me around
"Hi!" I said kissing him
"Ohhhh how I've missed you!" He smiled kissing me
"I missed you too!"

Tyler put me down and grabbed my hand we started walking to my car.
"So what do you have planned for us?" He smiled looking at me
"I thought we could go to the amusement park and then dinner with some of my family then I'm coming to watch you play hockey with some of my family and friends." I said skipping next to him
"Well I like the sounds of that!" He said getting into my car
I drove off from the airport and pulled into my house.
"This is it." I smiled
We got out of the car and my parents had opened the door and Remy cane running out towards tyler
"Who's this cutie?" He smiled letting Remy lick his face
"That's Remy." I smiled
"Oh my goodness he's amazing." He laughed sitting on the lawn
My parents soon walked out after
"There you are took you long enough." My dad laughed
"Well you know how Vancouver traffic is dad." I laughed
"You must be tyler." My mom said coming out
"Yes ma'am it's so nice to meet you." Tyler smiled getting up and shaking my moms hand
"Huge fan of yours boy amazing player you are." My dad smiled shaking his hand
"Thank you sir." He smiled
"Please call me Paul" He said
"Alright Paul lets get these two inside tyler I'm sure your starving." My mom said
"I sure am not a lot to eat on a plane." Said tyler following them in
We got into the living room and Tyler put his bags down.
"Here I'll show you to your room." I smiled grabbing one of his bags
I brought tyler upstairs into my room
"So this is the guest room you'll be staying in." I turned and said to him
"Wait we aren't sharing a room?" He said surprisingly
"Well of course not silly." I smiled
"Wow I was kinda looking forward to sleeping with you." He said putting his stuff on the bed
"I'm just messing with you!" I laughed
"Aren't you funny." He said hugging me
"I've missed you so much." I said kissing him
"I miss you more." He smiled
We went downstairs and into the kitchen my mom had a five course meal on the table
"You didn't have to make all this." He said
"Oh please Skye helped we like our guests to leave with a full stomach." My mom smiled

Tyler and my family sat and enjoyed lunch. They were getting along great and it made me so happy.
"Alright Tyler and I are going to head to the PNE then we can meet you and uncle Steve and the kids at dinner around seven." I smiled
"Alright well have fun and we will see you in a few hours." My mom smiled putting plates away
I dragged tyler up to the room so I could eat changed
"I just gotta put on some jeans." I said taking my pants off
"Whoa I think you look fine like that." He smiled pulling me in for an intimate kiss
"Words can't describe how much I missed you." I laughed
"Oh I know. But I missed you way more." He said picking me up

Tyler and I had a great few days together. My family loved him

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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