No Take Backs by BeMineInJuly

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First mistake? I was drunk.
Second mistake? I was sad. And half naked. Which I guess should be considered my third mistake of the night, and that's just the beginning of it.

It was my brother's twenty-first birthday and he had all of his friends over to the house to celebrate (i.e. get drunk off of his ass now that it's legal). Our parents went away for the weekend so that he'd have the house to throw the party instead of having to hang out in the apartment that he shares with two of his buddies.

I told my parents that I'd go to my friend's house so that they knew that I wasn't going to get drunk or anything since I'm only eighteen but my brother, Cameron, didn't mind if I joined them. I didn't plan on drinking, I just think that drunk people are funny so I wanted to be there with my brother and his friends got insanely drunk. We also have a pool and since it was getting closer to the end of the summer, it was probably going to be our last pool party.

I thought that it was going to be a fun party, a way to spend time with my brother before school starts in the fall. Granted, we're going to the same university, we're in different years and different colleges so we'll both be busy with our own schedules to really spend any time together. I was excited.

But it all went wrong with I went to dinner that day with my boyfriend of three months and he dumped me. I was dumped. He was going to school in Texas, I was staying here in Ohio. He wasn't ready for long distance and I wasn't worth the effort that it'd take.

I wasn't all that beaten up about it though, we hadn't even said 'I love you' or anything, so I just shrugged it off as best as I could and went back home to celebrate my brother's birthday with all of his drunk friends to get my mind off of my relationship ending.

However, when I started drinking (I guess this was technically my first mistake but that's unimportant now), my mood took a turn for the worse. I was already in my bikini, sitting on the edge of the pool with a few of Cameron's drunk friends. Bennett was on my right and he was talking in an English accent for some reason. He's not English at all, he just thought that it'd be funny, I guess. And Victor was to my left, playing with my dark blonde/light brown hair.

"He just dumped me," I explained, my voice wobbling but I wasn't crying. I was just really, extremely upset. If I was sober, I wouldn't be talking to Bennett at all. I mean, we got along well enough but we weren't friends or anything. I was really close to my brother though, and Bennett being one of his best friends, we did see each other a lot. We just never ever talked about stuff like this- relationships or emotions. I'd known him for about nine years though, so it didn't feel weird. Although, I guess that was just the alcohol. I wanted to tell him all of my secrets. Fourth mistake. "Out of the blue, he just dumped me."

"He's just an asshole, Mona," Bennett told me with a firm nod. "Forget him."

"But I love him," That was a lie but I was on my fifth beer, so it felt like the truth and I felt sad about that. I took another swig of my beer. The problem with the alcohol was that the more that I drank, the sadder I became and then the sadder I became, the more that I drank. It was an unstoppable cycle.

"No you don't, Govna."

"You don't know anything, yes I do," I argued with a slur to my words.

"You barely even dated. You probably didn't even have sex with the kid," He reminded me, wrapping his bare arm over my bony shoulders. I watched as my brother did a flip off of the diving board, landing head first in the deep end of the pool.

"Do you think that's why he broke up with me?" I sniffled, feeling the water words coming. "Because I wouldn't have sex with him?"

"I didn't say that," Bennett argued. "I just think that you need to get over him and just have a good time. This is a party, and you're crying."

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