In The Clutches Of A Schizoid

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"You really know how to push my buttons, don't ya little bunny?" The Joker growled in his 'Mr. Hyde' voice and Stacey was already anticipating another painful 'lesson.' She instinctively backed away from him on the bed as he swiftly advanced on her. He grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them to her sides. He leaned into her face and his dark eyes bore into her timid blue ones.

Stacey felt another burst of energy flowing through her soul. "Push your buttons?" She scoffed defensively. "I was trying to be compassionate! I meant no harm!" Stacey was still inwardly scared to death of him, but part of her was fed up. "I mean Jesus Christ. There isn't a day that goes by where I'm not on the verge of having a mental breakdown! I never know if you're gonna kiss me or whip the hell out of me! Give me a break will ya? I'll clean the whole damn mansion if you want me too!" She yelled in his face.

"I'll lick your cock! I'll do anything you want, just stop trying to give me a heart attack! I mean Christ you're clearly a Genius. I've seen what you can do. So why are you so fucking crazy?!" Stacey's sudden ramblings were that of a prisoner who had been locked away for months, desperately holding onto any last shred of sanity.

Stacey didn't have time to react as a palm connected with her left cheek. The Joker slapped her across the face hard, and it caught her off guard. He had never struck her in the face before. With a low growl, he shoved her on her back and climbed on top of her. Stacey looked up at him like a deer caught in the headlights as his strong hands gripped her throat and he began choking her. She kicked and flailed but his strength was overwhelming, and she felt the life slowly being sucked out of her. She panicked. This was it. He was finally going to kill her.

His eyes glared wildly down on her, and Stacey was more frightened of him now than she had ever been before. She had never seen his eyes so livid before, and it appeared as though he was possessed. She tried to speak, but only gargles came out and tears began trickling down her cheeks as she begged him with her eyes to release his grip.

The demonic look in his eyes ceased instantly, and for a moment Stacey almost swore that she saw a glimpse of humanity in his dark pupils. He immediately released his grip, and Stacey rolled over on her side, coughing and holding her neck. The mental breakdown that she had been avoiding for so many days came bursting out, and she couldn't stop the tears that flooded out of her eyes.

Still holding her neck, she buried her face into the bed comforter and sobbed hysterically. He was this close to murdering her, and she just couldn't take it anymore. The mind games were becoming too much. He already had her whipped into submission and she felt so utterly hopeless. He had her life and her future in his hands.

She could almost scream as he sat on the bed next to her and jerked her into his arms. He forced her to bury her head into his shirt and he began gently stroking her hair. "Sh, sh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He whispered in a gentle voice. He pulled her away from him for a moment and examined her cheek. He gently trailed his fingers along the red mark his hand had left after slapping her. He very tenderly kissed her cheek causing her to shiver. "I'm sorry," he cooed again.

He gently ran his fingers over the bruises he left on her neck. He brought his lips down to her neck bruises and very gently kissed them as well. "Oh little bunny. Daddy's sorry. Shouldn't be slapping little girls in the face or choking them should we? Nooo," He whispered soothingly.

A befuddled expression crossed Stacey's face. She had to hold herself back from kicking him in the nose for being such a crackpot. She was this close to ripping her hair out in frustration. He was so damned confusing. She was still sniffling as the Joker gently pushed her back down on her back. He lied down next to her, and draped an arm around her. He continued to lovingly kiss her neck and her face.

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Where stories live. Discover now