Unpleasant Surprise

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Jim Gordon arrived home that afternoon to find his wife standing in the doorway looking paler than ever and holding something in her hands. It was a package, and on that package an address was written in big red letters along with many Joker trademark smiley faces drawn all over it. It had no stamp and no return address. Someone had stopped by and put it in their mailbox that day, and it wasn't anyone from the postal service.

"I...I was afraid to open it alone Jim," Said Barbara as Jim anxiously took the package from her, his own face now turning as pale as hers. Closing the door behind him, he didn't even seem to hear Barbara's frantic words as he tore open the package and found what appeared to be a videotape inside. It was titled 'home movies' in more big red letters, and little hearts and smiley faces were drawn on it as well.

Jim swallowed hard, and he turned back to his wife. "Barbara. I want you to leave the room. And make sure the kids don't walk in here either. I'm not sure what's on this video, but I don't want to take any chances. I don't want you or the kids watching this."

Barbara nodded, tears invading her eyes, and she left the room while Jim nervously popped the video into their old VCR under their T.V expecting the worst. It wasn't even a minute into the video before he had to stop it. He was going to have to get someone else to watch this. As a father he couldn't stomach it.


Back at the police station, Batman loomed in the doorway as Jim held the videotape in his hands, looking down at it with disgust. He couldn't watch the rest of this video himself. No way. But did he really want to let this masked vigilante comrade of his watch it instead? "Jim," Batman's raspy voice broke the awkward silence. "Trust me when I say that this video will be safer in my hands over anyone else's. No one else but me will be viewing this footage, and I assure you that it will only be used as evidence to figure out where the Joker is hiding."

Jim looked at the dark knight and then back down at the video with a sickly expression. "Oh Christ...I can't...this is just...so wrong," he made a face like he had just eaten some rotten cheese. He turned away and handed the video to Batman. "Here. For god's sake get it out of my sight."


Back at Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne popped in the video with Alfred by his side. When he had mentioned to Gordon that he would be the only one watching the video, he told a little white lie. His loyal servant Alfred would be watching too. Of course Alfred was just as trustworthy as Bruce Wayne himself so no matter.

With his usual serious expression, Bruce popped in the video. The screen immediately popped up to reveal the sight of the camera moving down a long hallway. In the background the voice of the Joker could be heard humming an unrecognizable tune, followed by low snickering. He quickly turned the camera around to reveal his makeup covered face while he continued to walk. "Well hello there," he spoke into the camera. "Bats old buddy ol' pal. I knew you'd be watching this with your boyfriend, so how can I make a video without saying hello to my bestest buddy in the whole world?"

"And let's not forget you commish. Jim, Jim Gordon how ya doin' old timer?" The Joker's voice was cold and callous. "You're one of my best pals too, you know that right? I can't thank you enough for this little uh, gift you've given me," he licked his lips. "I was a lonely guy before, let me tell ya. Blowing stuff up is fun and all...but it still wasn't filling a certain void. A certain...need. But now with my little companion here, that need has been fulfilled. My dear Commissioner, words can't describe how grateful I am. As a token of my gratitude I would like to invite you into my...our humble home." He sniggered.

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