Can We Go Out And Play?

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 YES the Joker is creepy and weird, and a schizoid juuust the way I like him mwahahaha. Anyway vote and comment if you like and Enjoy.


"Come on sleeping beauty, up, up," Stacy's pleasant dream of being home for Thanksgiving dinner was abruptly interrupted by the Joker's excited voice. She groaned as the curtains were pulled back and sunlight shot into her eyes. He yanked the blankets off of her and she curled into the fetal position as she felt a cool chill flow over her naked body. The Joker bounced happily on the bed and crawled over her. He turned her over to where she was laying on her back and pinched her cheek. "Rise and shine Snow White," He giggled and pecked her on the lips.

Stacey groaned some more and rubbed her eyes. "Not much of a morning person are you?" The Joker laughed. "Ya know, for a girl whose been kidnapped by the infamous clown prince of crime, you sure don't have much trouble sleeping. Though I suppose I did wear you out quite a bit last night," He grinned and bounced on the bed again causing Stacey to bounce with it and moan. He yanked her into an upright position. "Time to get up. I've let you sleep in long enough. We have work to do today."

"Work?" Stacey looked at him puzzled. "We?"

"Time for a shower," Said the Joker, ignoring her question. He was already dressed and of course, had a full face of makeup on. Though this time he was wearing a normal looking gray suit and not the usual elaborate purple that Stacey was used to see him in. "I would have joined you but I had important business to take care of this morning, and you looked so darned adorable laying there, whimpering in your sleep, that I didn't have the heart to wake you." He snickered and yanked her out of bed. He shoved her into the bathroom and then picked her up and placed her in the shower.

Stacey's eyes widened and she inhaled deeply as he turned the water on and it came pouring over her head. The shock from the cold water nearly made her scream. The Joker laughed at her expression. "Too chilly princess?" he teased. He added warm water to it, to Stacy's relief. He hurriedly grabbed a scrub brush and began scrubbing her back with it vigorously. Stacey didn't bother to tell him that she could wash herself. She knew by now that there was no point in arguing with this man.

"Gotta make this quick and then get you dressed so we can head into town," Said the Joker. Stacey gave him another puzzled look. He ran the brush down to her bottom and then having a little fun, he flipped it over and ran the smooth side of the brush over her cheeks. He tapped her bottom with it. "Ya know. This could be a good discipline item to use on my little girl next time she's naughty." He smiled devilishly. Stacey gulped and couldn't hide her expression. She winced and gasped loudly as he tapped her bottom again, a little harder. She expected a hard whap with the large wooden brush and the Joker noticed her flinching reaction.

"Oooh, this scares my little girl doesn't it?" The Joker licked his lips. "Is the little bunny frightened of the big scary wooden brush? Yes. Yes I think I will use this next time," He grinned.

"Dammit" Stacey cursed within herself.

She squeaked as he scrubbed her womanhood with his hand, and hurriedly washed down her entire body. When he was finished, he yanked her out of the shower and quickly patted her dry. He ruffled her hair with the towel and then dropped it to the floor. He glared down at her and then growled and pulled her into a tight embrace, nearly crushing her ribs.

He ran his hands up and down her small naked frame. "God damn it. I want to take you again, right now," he hissed gruffly in her ear. "You're so...ire-sis-ta-ble. Such a distraction." He slapped her bottom. "But a good distraction." Her face was buried into his shirt and she felt a lump from underneath his pants and press into her belly. With his strong arms wrapped around her little body she felt tiny and helpless. He groped her anywhere he pleased and Stacey felt much more like a squeeze toy than a human being. "But I have a job to do, and my idiots are waiting."

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Where stories live. Discover now