Chapter 2

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"Hello class my name is Ms. Alex"
Brittany was stunned , Was that lady the same lady from the zoo ?
"Hello Ms. Alex!" The class answered
It's her !!! Brittany says to herself
Brittany notices Ms. Alex looking at her as if she has seen her before
Ms. Alex smiles at her and continues teaching
"DIIIIIIIINNNNGGG" the bill rings louder then ever
"Brittany , Andrew and Kayla will you please stay after class , I have some paper work you need to get signed "
"Hello Brittany , Do you remember me?"
"Uhhh, no no I don't "
She lied ...
"I'm the lady you spoke to yesterday at the aquarium?""My names Alex, well Ms Alex now"
"Ohhh yea I remember you now.I didn't know you teached here we usually have the same teachers every year.You must've just started?"
She said sort of nervous*
" yes actually I did .Well you better get to your next class"
"Alright then see you later . I think I have you twice actually."
"Ohh really?.alright see you later"
Lunched passed and now she's walking back to Ms Alex's class*
"Hello class .Some of you may of had me 2nd period and some of you may be new.But I'm Ms Alex."
She continued teaching and class eventually ended.
As she was walking to the next period  she seen the school bullies walking up to her.
"Hey you little gay whore !!! * the other students heard and surrounded her.
Everyone new when the saw the bullies they knew someone was gonna get hurt.theres a lot of fucked up people in her school
"Just leave me alone!!i didn't even do anything!!"
Brittany yelled
" you wanna yell at me?"
He gets angry and kicked her in her stomach.
She bends over in pain
"Don't be a pussy!!"
The bully kicked her in the side and all three Bullies started kicking and hitting her were ever possible
Everyone was yelling in exitment
"Let me threw!!"
Brittany heard a familiar voice
"Excuse me what the hell is going on here?!!!!" She hears Ms Brittany yelling
She can barely hear she's going unconscious.
Everyone runs off down the hallway *
"Brittany !!brittany are you ok?"
She calls on the school radio for the nurse*
Ms Alex sees her nose bleeding *
She new she was hurt really bad.
"Ms Alex !!whats wrong?"
She sees the nurse running down the hallway.
"I Don't know there was yelling and a group of people and I came and saw some kids beating her!!"
"She unconscious and she's bleeding !!what do we do ??!!"
"Get your purse and call an ambulance.she needs to be looked at for internal bleeding.can you ride the ambulance with her to the er while I call her dad??!!"
"Yes of course!!""
She runs and gets her phone and calls 911*
They make it to the hospital *
"Where am I ?" Brittany says in a raspy voice
She can barely open her eyes
"Oh Brittany your ok.Your in the hospital.some kids were beating you and I stoped them." Ms Alex says in a sad voice
"Do you feel ok?"
"Yea , but I'm really sore "
"I bet well they just told me that your dads here so I tell them to send him back"
"Ok , thanks Ms Alex "
"No problem , and can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"What are those scratches on your wrist?"
Brittany looks down to see that her sleeves have been pulled up , probably by a doctor.*
"Ohh umm it's not important. I'll be fine .ok well I'll see you at school whenever I get to feeling better.thank you again "
"Brittany no your not fine, why do you self harm ? Is it because of those bullies?if so why would they bully you?your so beautiful and sweet and your so kind and your just perfect ....I mean , your a nice young lady and no one deserves that." No matter what."
Brittany brakes Down crying*
"Hey don't cry"
Ms Alex walks over to Brittany's hospital bed and sits next to her.*
"It's ok Brittany "
"I just feel like I'm unwanted anywhere I go.and that people just say they are my friends because they feel bad for me or ex , I still have feeling for her, but she cheated on me multiple times , how could I still love someone who has broke my heart?i don't get my self so stupid!!!"
"Brittany your not stupid . Your very beautiful and have the best grades in my class actually.You have a family who cares about you to death and loves you so so much.and I care about you to ."
Ms Alex looks down at Brittany's arm and kisses her scars*
"You know what those are?those are your tiger stripes, your a warrior.your still fighting and I promise you you'll get better.i used to get bullied for being gay . Nobody liked me at all , but I just thought about my family .and I pulled threw and know I'm so happy with my sexuality preference.and I'll tell it to anyone.and if anybody dosent like it then screw them."
"Your gay?" Brittany says with a curious voice
"Yes I am."
The door opens *
"Excuse me ms Alex ,Brittany's dad is here" a nurse says interrupting
"Alright thanks"
The nurse leaves *
"Alright Brittany I need to leave so your dad can see you"
"Ms Alex ?" Brittany says as Ms Alex is walking out.
"You can call me b"
"Alright  then B .Feel better soon ."
She walks out and not to long after her dad storms in .
"B are you ok? What happened?!!"
"Dad dad I'm ok.My teacher told me some bullies at school were beating me and my teacher (Ms Alex) Saved me .and she rode here with me ."
"Well alright then , you get some rest and I'm gonna go get you something to eat.what do you want?"
"Hmmmmm.DAIRY QUEEN!!"
"Haha alright settle down b.Ill be back in a bit "
"Thanks dad "
Apparently she fell asleep and woke up the next day.
"B.B.B hay wake up ."
"Dad what is it?"
"I'm gonna go home and get some rest. Ms Alex is here to see you."
"Ms Alex? Okay.Love you dad."
Ms Alex comes in*
"Hey "B" How you doin?i brought you some  coffee." Ms Alex says as she sits next to Brittany and kisses her forehead.
"Hey ms Alex .and thx"
"So how'd you sleep?Feel any better?"
"I slept okay I guess.and I feel a little better."
"That's good .Your friends asked about you .I told them you'd be just fine."
"Thx" I said with a slight smile
"Hey Brittany can I ask you a question?"
"Sure go ahead "
"Umm ,how long have you known you were gay.?"
"Well as far as I can remember.iv just never been sexually or emotionally attached to guys."
"Oh ok..."
"I was just wondering."
"Brittany do you know I really care about you?And I'm really starting to get attached to you.Iv been wanting to tell you but I didn't want to freak you out.Cause I didn't know if you even liked girls.but now that I know then I just felt like I could tell you ."
"Really?I really like you to.And same as you I didn't really know if you like girls.cause all the Hot teachers are straight or taken.But your different, and I like that." Brittany says with a smile*
"You like me?really?oh that's cool "
"Now I don't like you ."
"I really really like you."
"Oh haha" Ms Alex says with a chuckle and a short time after she stops laughing there eyes lock .hard.
They both can't take there eyes off each other . All the sudden Ms Alex leans in and pressed her lips to Brittany's, the kiss for a god while and as it ends up ms Alex is sitting on top of her
And then a nurse walks in*
"Oh sorry to interrupt."the nurse says with a small laugh*
"Oh srry excuse us" ms Alex says as she quickly gets of the hospital bed.
"But Brittany's dad is here to see her"
"Alright I'll be leaving soon "
The nurse walks out and ms Alex eventually goes home.*
Brittany gets to feeling better and gets out of the hospital a few days later *
"UGhh I'm so glad to be home"
She runs up to her room and changes to her pjs and grabs her phone
She sees a lot of notifications to a link on YouTube.She goes to the link and it's a video.a video of what the bullies did to her.she gets out of it and takes a long shower and goes to bed.
"Ughh I sure didn't miss that!!"
She grows as she gets up for school.
She puts on some Jean shorts with some combat boots and a tank top and a flannel.
She gets to school and as she's walking down the hallway, she sees EVERYONE pointing and laughing at her,"don't be a pussy!!" Everyone repeats what that bully said as he punched her that day. It brings back that traumatic experience,.
"Leave me alone!!"
She yells as she runs into the restroom and pulls out her razor.
She makes a few cuts and hears someone calling her name.
"B ? B are you in here?"
Only two people call her that
Her dad and Ms Alex.
It's ms Alex
"B ? Hello?"
Then it's quite and she thinks ms Alex left.
She starts balling her eyes out.
"B .please don't cry.Its me Alex .are you ok please open the door so I can talk to you."
Brittany opens the door and let's Alex in.
Ms Alex sees the cuts*
"Oh sweetheart. What happened?
"Everyone in the hallway was laughing and pointing at me.someone took and posted a video of when  those kids beat me.
"Well you leave that up to me .ill take care of them." Brittany noticed ms Alex was mad for a second
"Can I have a hug" Brittany says as her eyes tear up.
"Of course b"
They hug and hold hands and finish talking.
After about 20 minutes*
"Hey  B can I ask you something?"
"Yea sure"
"Umm will you ,umm go on a date with me ?"
"I thought you'd never ask .yes I would love to." She says with a huge smile
"Alright I'll pick you up tomorrow after school. Just look for a white limo."
"A limo?"
"Yep only the finest for my finest date"
"Okey" Brittany says with a little chuckle
So school passes and its night and Brittany gets out of the shower and her phone is ringing.
"Hello ? Oh hey Alex !!Yea I'm okay I just got out the shower.wby ? Oh cool." Yea ill see you tomorrow.okay bye love you to."
"Wait did she say she loves me? Did I answer her back? Omg I'm in love!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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