You Light Me Up Inside

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The bar was quite loud that night, but it was a gay bar. That was enough for Gwynnia. Otherwise, she figured she'd never find a partner that was really into her. Ard Skellig was a rather cold place, but the brunette didn't mind, she felt it suited her nature in a way that she could never describe.

She cared for drinking, but not in a room full of men drooling over her breasts, and her legs. Her small hand, with it's long fingers, and long scarlet fingernails filed into points, twitched softly at the mere thought. It unsettled her in a very striking way. Well, of course they couldn't know her preference until she said so, because she'd gotten the comment "You're too pretty to be a lesbian." or "But you don't look like a lesbian." way too many times.

It was true, she was probably the most feminine lesbian there ever was. She loved her dresses, and female clothing, makeup, doing her hair, dance, singing, and having her nails done. Her very striking blue eyes were always lined, her eyelashes always winged, making them look very slanted and coy. Her thick brown hair was an envy of most women, falling easily past her breasts, and it was still thick, and effortlessly soft and shiny.

The rather warm air in the room, heated by many female bodies, was slightly stifling to her, though. Warmth in a way made her feel trapped, she much preferred the unrelenting, and unforgiving bite of the cold. It seemed to be able to keep her out of a false sense of security. Cold was a reality check, snapping you out of whatever fantasy you were living in.

Gwynnia's little black dress was quite short, and dipped scandalously low in the front, exposing her cleavage and most of her breasts, which were full, and were curves that added to her overall seductive appearance. She was a naturally tall, slim woman, but not at all twiggy, her curves were as voluptuous as any woman's.

The brunette's blue eyes scanned the room, she sighed softly as she realized she didn't see anyone she knew, which made for a little bit of a lonely night. People would talk to her, but she never felt that she connected with any of them truly. Maybe she was just being her picky, anxious self.

Gwynnia eventually gave a heavy sigh, and went to the counter to get a drink, red wine, of course. Her heels clicked on the floor as she impatiently tapped her foot, she looked very femme fatale, almost, the very picture of catlike femininity.

Her white teeth showed as she smiled in thanks, extending her small hand to wrap her taloned fingers around the stem of her wine glass, putting her red lips to it to take a quick sip before she turned her back to the counter and leaned nonchalantly onto the wood.

Gwynnia wasn't really one to be shy, but in a way, she was. With people she already knew, it was extremely easy to communicate her feelings with them, even male friends, but they had to be very close with her for her to ever truly open up. Once someone started a conversation with her, she would easily begin to talk, but she was slightly nervous in public places, even bars which were meant for mingling, to talk to someone first.

A slight prick of pain jerked her out of her thoughts as she softly closed her pearly white teeth onto the flesh of her lips. Giving a heavy sigh, she began to think that she just wasn't up for this tonight. She was about to turn around and set her glass down, when a body bumped into her's. Gwynnia yelped as a little bit of wine splashed onto her fingertips, staining them a dark berry red, and making them sticky, and sickly sweet smelling. "Watch where you're going!" "I'm so sorry!" The words were uttered by the women at the same time, and Gwynnia bit her tongue on any further rebuke, as she'd very quickly apologized.

"It's okay, no harm done!" Gwynnia giggled softly, her demeanour completely changing from snappish and irritated, to polite and warm. She was about to say something, when her stomach just dropped at the sight of the woman who'd stumbled into her. She was about her height, and had long, straight silver hair, which she couldn't tell whether it was dyed or not, and big blue eyes set into a flawless, sculpted white face, with a nose somewhat like Gwynnia's, straight, and with a nice tapered point at the end, full lips, and a nicely rounded chin. The woman was blushing softly, and her teeth were nibbling at her lip, her blue eyes darting back and forth between Gwynnia and the ground.

"Can I pay for your drink, since I spilled some of it?" The woman asked, turning her big dovish eyes up towards Gwynnia finally, seeming to become more confident. "You don't have to at all!" Gwynnia protested, not wanting to pressure this woman into anything, or seem like an imposing bitch.

"Well, I feel like I should...."
"Well, at least tell me your name first, if you insist. I'd like to know the buyer of my drinks a little better. I'm Gwynnia. Nice to meet you, even in this circumstance." Gwynnia giggled playfully, wanting to break the ice with her, since she seemed very sweet, and was all in all a very attractive woman.

"Asha. Nice to meet you, Gwynn." The woman said, smiling amiably at her, and the use of her pet name made Gwynnia tingle slightly up her spine and other certain parts of her. She hadn't expected someone who barely knew her to shorten her name like people who had close relations with her did, but who was she to complain? Besides, it gave her a feeling that was new to her, a mixture between embarrassment, and....want....?

"Nice to meet you too, Ash." Gwynnia shortened up her name coyly, looking for some type of reaction, hopefully a good one. Asha blushed a little bit, the soft red coming up to her cheeks. Gwynnia smirked softly, knowing she'd hit a point within Asha as well as Asha had done to her. Asha soon shook that off, though, and reached out to gently take the half spilled wine from her, her soft fingertips brushing Gwynnia's in the process.

Gwynnia nearly jerked her hand away, her touch felt so hot, and seared into her hand, sending tingles and other sensations down to the very core of her stomach. With a heavy breath, once Asha had turned to the counter to pay for her accidentally spilled drink, Gwynnia checked her hand hurriedly, she was almost positive that she'd been burned somehow, Asha's touch had felt so incredibly heated, but also very good at the same time. But, no, her hands were their regular, unmarred, beautiful white smoothness, save the diluted red stains of the wine that had flicked onto her hand.

Gwynnia gave a little smile as Asha turned back to her with another full glass of wine, apparently she'd paid for another glass since she'd spilled the first one. "Oh, thank you! You're so sweet!" Gwynnia giggled, taking the glass from her, which resulted in their wrists brushing, which felt the exact same way, making Gwynnia bite back a gasp. "You must let me take you out sometime, you've been so lovely to me, I simply must repay you in some way!" Gwynnia said happily, taking a sip of her wine. She felt already a little more comfortable with this woman, she'd been so very accommodating to her, and very gratuitously giving, even when she really didn't need to be. Any other woman would have maybe said sorry, but then walked away, but this one was sticking around. "Well, I don't see why not." Asha said, smiling softly at her.
Gwynnia just felt a bright smile spread across her face, and that was all.


I hope you enjoyed this, I'm trying really hard to sculpt on these character's relationships, and please leave a comment, love you all <3

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