Can't Pretend

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Gwynnia woke in the morning, she was a little less sweaty. The cool breeze through her slightly open window soothed her skin, and the sun's light flickered in myriad shadows and patterns thrown across her relaxed body.

The brunette gave a soft sigh, remembering what she'd done last night, the sheets had dried liquid on them, and her nightgown and book lay on the bed beside her, and her sheets were slightly rumpled and twisted as opposed to how she usually had them. The reminders were almost like incriminating evidence, mocking her, her idiotic actions screaming in her head, telling her how stupid she was for letting herself feel that way towards a woman she didn't even know.

She sighed softly, she knew her previous marriage hadn't ended well, since she'd been married to a man, a man she'd been forced into marrying. A man who hadn't even really cared for her outside of the pleasure she brought in bed. Though, really, everytime they were finished, she was not satisfied, and knee she never would be. She would lie in bed trying to sleep, but she was always too restless, that, and an overwhelming feeling of guilt and unhappiness like a weight crushing her chest sweeping over her.

But, even though she hadn't had sex with Asha, she felt satisfied with herself, oddly enough. The brunette groaned as she sat up in bed, pulling her feet to the side of the bed with a yawn. She perked up as she remembered that she was meeting Asha for dinner today, and to make it better, it was the full moon, which she thought the most beautiful sight in the world. Though, she was slightly nervous about her upcoming dinner date with Asha, she wanted to make a good impression on her, though she hadn't really experienced being nervous or scared for a potential relationship before.

Her biggest fear out of the start of a relationship was being stood up, however. She knew that it was the absolute worst feeling to be waiting for a date that never came. But, Gwynnia resolved to push her fears aside, she knew they were probably ill based in the first place.

She decided to just get up, and face the world. Though, she realized she'd forgotten to take her antidepressants last night, what with her turbulent thoughts. That meant a double dose today. She pulled a warm robe around her naked body, and went to feed her cats, who meowed appreciatively. The woman then opened a drawer in her room, a drawer that usually had a lock on it, though there was no one else around to open it but her. Nevertheless, it held her pills and medication for her various mental disorders, the most prominent of which, depression. Her depression had been much worse before, though she had no fresh scars now, and didn't plan to make any more, she still had several deep ones that would never fade.

Her depression didn't affect her quite so often anymore, as long as she kept taking her required medication, she wouldn't be prone to sudden mood swings, heavy fatigue, perpetual anger and sudden impulse to drink herself sick. She was always torn between telling her partners about her personal problems right away, she didn't want to make them think she was crazy and lose them right away, but then she also believed that if they were going to be in a romantic relationship with her, then they had a right to know important things about her, and she should be able to trust them if she really cared about them.

But, she supposed she'd cross that bridge when she came to it. As the day progressed, she thought more and more about Asha, and became a large mixture of nervous and excited. As the sun started to set, Gwynnia sighed, and roused herself from her novel. She was almost chickening out at this point, but she knew she couldn't. She went to her very extensive wardrobe, and started to rifle through things almost savagely. The brunette just couldn't seem to find anything that fit her standards for this, she wanted to be the most beautiful that she could be for Asha. Though, she didn't know why she felt the need to impress Asha the way she did.

Finally, she ended up choosing one of her favourite red dresses, which was scarlet and made of satin. The garment was tight fitting, and therefore slimmed her down even more, at the same time making her very ample breasts and curved hips and behind obvious. The dress plunged in a V-neck down past her cleavage line, which made her feel so very seductive when she bent over. Little gems were sewn into the area that was underneath her breasts and around her waist, like a bejewelled bodice.

She felt for a second like she was revealing too much of her body on the first date, but scoffed and disregarded it. Never mind that, she knew she was sexy, and she wanted to make sure Asha knew it, too.

As the time approached the correct one to meet Asha, she did become increasingly nervous, but became very curious as to what would happen this night.

About an hour later, Gwynnia met Asha at the restaurant they'd planned. Asha was already sitting at the table, and Gwynnia had only to walk in and sit down. She was usually a very confident woman, but all of a sudden she felt like her heart was in her throat and her tongue was twisted in knots, her throat dry and parched. She couldn't back out now, of course not, that would be a terrible move.

Swallowing hard against her quickly rising nerves, she strode purposefully towards Asha. The closer she got to Asha, the more confident and happy she seemed to become, oddly. A bright smile was spread across her red coated lips by the time she was at Asha's side, showing her perfectly aligned white teeth.

"Evening, Asha." She said happily, her voice surprisingly strong sounding, now quavering at all. Asha also looked very lovely, in her cute little silver dress, which sort of matched her hair, and was a little slinkier than Gwynnia had expected it to be. Asha just hadn't really seemed to be that type of woman, but she supposed that every woman had an inner sex-kitten that was kept in a cage most of the time, though some less than others.

"Evening, Gwynn." Asha giggled, fluttering the long fingers of her right hand towards her as she sat down. "I'd just like to say I think you are very lovely tonight." Gwynnia purred, looking at her with a mixture of fondness and excitement. "Mm, you too." Asha said back, though her voice and body language was slightly more flirtatious than Gwynnia's.

Gwynnia was a little thrown off guard by Asha's sudden flirting with her, but she decided she could totally match that, no problem. "I like your hair.." Gwynnia said, though she inwardly wanted to take that back, it had been such a lousy attempt at flirting. To take it up a notch, she gently reached out a hand to touch the silver mass of hair that tumbled to her full breasts. That seemed to be very effective, because Asha blushed like a girl suddenly, perhaps she responded more to touch than just simple words. Gwynnia eagerly took that to note, and was extra thoughtful about how she'd flirt with her from then on, if indeed they decided they wanted to continue this relationship, budding though it was, she could positively feel the intensity of the attraction between the two women.

They continued to flirt for a while as they ate, and drank their wine, but mostly ended up talking about their lives and things like that, and mostly getting to know each other better. Gwynnia was grateful for that, because she liked to adjust her flirting style and possible bedroom activities to what her partner's preference was, whatever they liked, she would do if she was comfortable with it.

As the night grew darker, the moon rose higher, making Asha seem even prettier to Gwynnia. They'd been flirting all night, and they were obviously both attracted to each other.

In a sudden bold streak, Asha leaned over and pecked her cheek, not really intending it sexually, she'd just wanted to see her reaction. Gwynnia, however, had seen it as an implication of sexual desire, and leaned in and kissed her right on the lips. The kiss felt just wonderful to her, tasting of wine and spices, and a slight hint of vanilla from her lip products and breath mints.

As the kiss deepened, Gwynnia brought her hand to Asha's high cheekbones, softly stroking the wine-flushed skin, then moving her other hand so she was cupping her face in both hands.

Neither of them gave any tongue, but the kiss was very deep, and sent sparks of feeling transmitted through their kiss. When Gwynnia finally let go, both women were slightly breathing heavily, Gwynnia's breasts were moving slightly faster, and she was flushed from more than wine.

She didn't break eye contact with Asha as they leaned back to their respective spots, however.

A soft squeak left her mouth as Asha leaned back in for another.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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