Fantastical Thoughts

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(A/n: I'm enjoying writing this, please tell me if you want more, I'm working hard on it. Just to let you know, there's a bit of smut in this one, but it's basically fantasy and self-pleasure, not lesbian sex. Yet ;) )

Gwnnyia had stayed with Asha at the bar for a couple more hours or so, but she'd begun to feel the effects of her glass of wine, not to mention she was already iffy about staying in the first place before she met Asha. Saying her farewells to Asha, and arranging to meet her the next morning at a specific spot so she could take her out for dinner, as payment for being so sweet with her and paying for her wine, she'd donned her heavy fur coat, with it's thick fluffy mantle of ermine on the neck, and beat a quick retreat home.

The cold had nipped at her skin the whole way home, but inside, she'd felt warm, which was something she hadn't felt for a very long time, not truly, and not for more than a couple seconds at a time before her body sunk back into its usual sort of depressed rut. Her lips had kept tugging themselves up in a perpetual smile, and she knew she must have looked truly mad, but she didn't care, for she felt like it too. All her emotions were racing around inside her like a bird frantically fluttering to burst free of a cage. And that cage had held it's tight bars around her heart for such a very long time, but she didn't know that someone could possibly unlock it, and let her heart beat freely again.

Gwynnia opened the door to her house with a soft sigh. The house had a lot of furnishing, but it was still very classy and stylish, very feminine as well, but not as in hot pink and furry, just smooth colours. Her body felt strangely sweaty and heated as she closed the door behind her, and her two cats came to greet her. Trout was a big, fat grey cat, who waddled when he walked, and ate constantly, who she'd raised from a kitten. Ivory was her pride and joy, a little white kitten, who was perhaps the closest to having her grown daughter back as a child by her side as she could get. She patted the cats softly, but they seemed to notice she wasn't really paying attention to them, because they meowed loudly to get her full attention.

Gwynnia blinked her blue eyes, and a sudden chill seemed to come over her body as she resumed with full thoughts. She smiled, and kissed both her proverbial babies, passing them some treats from the counter, which they set to eating happily. She sighed as she realized she had some wine on her, it meant she'd have to take a shower, though she'd welcome the heated water soothing her muscles and her stressed mind.

The brunette ran the water, the steam quickly turning the bathroom into a slight sauna, droplets of moisture fogging the mirror, and beading on her skin like sweat.

Her clothes were shed almost as fast as if she'd been looking at Asha naked. "Wait, where did that thought come from?! I don't want to look at Asha naked! Do I..?" Gwynnia said out loud to herself, since there was no one else in the house but her cats. She shrugged it off, she'd often had random sexually driven thoughts about other women, but they'd easily slipped her mind later.

However, this thought didn't. Even as the water streamed softly along her body, coating it in warm bliss, she kept trying to form the image of the woman from the bar naked in her mind unconsciously.

In her head, she kept thinking about what her curvy body would look like naked, the fine curve of her full, firm breasts, the rosy nipples standing in erect peaks. Her smooth stomach, slightly firmed by her tone, just underneath the undersides of her breasts, which seemed more and more appealing to her subconscious mind. The sharply dipping waist, with the hips flaring outwards voluptuously, then slowly petering down to smooth, slim, muscled calves. And, oh, her hands. The sight of her long, white fingers, like her own almost, very graceful, and unmarked, made her almost unbearably aroused. Only, she didn't think that's what was happening to her, she thought it was merely the heat in the bathroom.

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