Mest x Reader

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Requested by: ILoveRaphaelTMNT


2nd pov

"Oh my gosh! Do you think that he'll ask you to the dance?"

"Oh my gosh! I don't know!"

While your friends were chatting about the upcoming Valentines dance, you were busy staring at a senior seated at the table next to yours.

"So, (y/n), what about you?"


Your friends giggled before asking you again.

"Who do you think is going to ask you out for Valentine's?"

"Um, no one. I'll be a lonely poop laying in bed all day. Why do you ask?"

"Noo!! You can't do that!!" One of your friends said throwing her hands up.

"I can't do what? Be single?"

"Yes! Ok, here's what you're gonna do. First, this weekend make candy for Mest, then, on Monday aka Valentine's, you can give it to him!"

"Hmm...wait... how'd you know I liked Mest?!" You suddenly started to pay more attention to the conversation you wanted to be over.

Your friend shrugged before continuing.

"Well, I had a guess, it's confirmed now. Probably the rest of the cafeteria knows now too."

You looked around quickly to see if anyone was paying attention and luckily, only a few people were but they quickly stopped after you gave them a death glare.

"So? Are you gonna do it? Is it a good idea?

"No, it's a stupid idea. I'm not doing it."
You said before getting up from the table and leaving for your next class.

♡Four hours later and a quick stop to your local grocery store♡

You stood in the kitchen wearing a bright pink apron. In front of you were ingredients needed to make about 24 chocolates.

How does this thing work again?

You thought trying to operate the hand mixer. You pressed a random button bringing it to life.


You looked at the recipe you printed out and then realized you didn't need a hand mixer... but you needed a spatula...


You put away the mixer before rummaging through the cabinet for a spatula.

♡a little while later♡

You just set the chocolate on the stove to melt and went to go sit down on the couch for a much needed break.

You woke up to the smell of something burning and realized it was your chocolate.

"UGHHHH!!! MY LIFE!!!! WHY?!?!?"

You stumbled into the kitchen to find your chocolate slightly burnt but not too bad.

"Thank you people of the skies for granting me this one chance of not completely failing!"

You finished making the chocolates according to your recipe and packed them nicely in a red heart shaped box. It was amazing! Other than the fact that it was slightly burnt...and disfigured... but it's the thought that counts!


You decided that it would be best to put your gift to Mest through the holes in the locker with a note so that you wouldn't have to confront him face to face. What better time to do this than during the dance when everyone was in the gym!

Your friends, being the amazing people they were, would cover for you if any of the teachers asked. You walked down the empty hallway, note and box in hand to Mest's locker. You reached up to put it in the locker but then realized that the box was too big to fit in the hole.

"Ugh, I knew this was going too well, of course something would happen." You said facepalming.


You turned around to see Mest.

Oh shitake mushrooms...

And he was eating a daisy....?

"Um, hi." Curse my awkwardness!

"What are you doing?" He said munching on the poor flower.

"Um... I.... uh... THESEAREFORYOU!" you said shoving the gifts towards him. He smiled and took it from you.

"Thank you (y/n), this is really nice of you." He gave you a mini hug before stepping back.

"Um, would you like to go dance with me?" He said nervously pointing in the direction of the gym.

"Yeah, I'd love to!" He held his hand out for you to take and you two walked slowing to the gym, chatting along the way.

             HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!♡

I hope you're having and awesome day and actually doing something fun like going out with your friends or family or lovers instead of being like me and staying in reading cliche romance while eating candy and wishing my boyfriend was real! Lol

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I hope you're having and awesome day and actually doing something fun like going out with your friends or family or lovers instead of being like me and staying in reading cliche romance while eating candy and wishing my boyfriend was real! Lol...
Yeah... I'm just gonna go watch 5sos keeks and contemplate life.


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