Im Human And Im Going To A Boarding School For Vampires... Ahhhhhh! (4)

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Chapter Four

The room was beutiful. it had black silk blankets on a king - sized bed, a large supboard, a bedside cabinet, with an alarm clock and a lamp. there was a large bookcase with 8 shelves - 3 were filled.

quickly unpacked all my stuff. i put my faviorite books into the bookcase, my clothes in the cupboard and my photo album and mobile into my cabinet. then i walked into a side door. it was a bathroom. quite big. it had a fancy huge bath and shower, and a sink and tolit all shiny and clean.

a large mirror by the sink. i looked in it.

hair was straight and black, raven dark. it came to my waist. i was short - i hated being so tiny, it left me kinda defencless, which is why i took lessons in kick boxing when i was younger.

eyes were green. i didn't like my eyes they seemed to show every emotion i ever felt and that annoyed me, very much!

walked out of the bathroom, back to the main room with lee.

was sat on the counch reding a book. i sat beside him and watched him reading at first he tried to ignor me but finally he looked up.

"whatch readding?" i asked.

"wurthering heights." he said

"wow, really?" he nodded. "i haven't read it myself but i hear its good?" he nodded again.

"so when are our other roomies getting here?"

"they'll be around, don't worry."

"well." i paused feeling bordom. "im gonna go for a walk."

looked at her. he seemed surprised.

"are you sure thats such a good idea?"

"yea, sure."

"erm, im not so sure it is..." he said looking worried.

"don't worry about it. i won't go THAT far." i got up and walked to the door.

"fine, fine, fine. i give up."

walked out into the cool hallway.

was no one around but that didn't bother me. it was getting dark outside, i could see that from a small window.

stretched before moving. i just walked. i had no idea where i was going. just walking. the school was huge and i would proberly get lost after 2 minutes but that didn't stop me. i wanted to explore. i loved to explore i had always done it when i was younger, it was just that recently there wasn't much left to explore for me anyway. now i had a whole school and most of an island.

i was walking i passed very few people. they always stared at me with hunger in their eyes. even the girls. i might have to add another few locks to my room.

minutes i had no idea where the hell i was.

didn;'t bother me.

walked and walked and walked. anything was better then being stuck in a room with lee. he seemed interesting but it made me feel like tuna in a can - trapped.

had alwsya been a wild child. the explorer the bad girl. i was always doing everything and anything. you dared me. i'd do it. i was the first of all the kids in the neighborhood to ride their bike down the slide, do be able to climb to the top of the swings and balacne on top without holding on. i had hated doing things easily, like climbing down something. instead i would jump, landing saftely on my feet.

rounded a corner and walked straight into someone. i looked up and was lost in dark dark, very dark eyes. black, like midnight, with black hair. tall. musclar.

"well hello. don't we look tasty" his voice was velvet and soft.

i could even think of a quick reply i was pinned against the wall - and there was nooone arounf to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2009 ⏰

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