chapter 2 ;

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HELLO derr c: well its 140 in the morning , and im laying here listening to pierce the veil. i cannot sleep , so ima write c: enjoyy c;


"Im jeff, jeff the killer" You almost have a heart attack your favorite killer is in your car, "holy crap" You say trying not to scream with joy "What, are you scared?" He laughs "well if you must know i am not, jeff actually, i am very excited right now, concidering you are my favorite killer" I explained to him "well you should be scared. GO TO SLEEP" Is the last thing you hear before passing out, you wake up in a dark room "Hello" you say in a low pitched voice "Well look Ms. Pretty is awake" you heard a voice say. walking out of the dark there is jeff 'did he really call me Ms. pretty' you think to yourself "Your lucky i find you cute, or i would have killed you by now" Jeff says chuckling ''Is that a treat or an insult" You ask raising one eyebrow "Find that out on your own, now come with me theres some people i would love for you to meet" Jeff smiled and walked me down stairs , "Everyone come here theres someone i would like you all to meet" Jeff said loudly , everyone gathered around "AH , ive got this jeff, Hi Sledy, Ben, Masky, Hoodie, Sally, and Eyeless Jack, im [y/n]" You say , everyone looked at you like you where some weirdo "Hai" sally said cheerfully walking to her toy area , "H-How did you know everyones names already" jeff asked looking puzzled "o-oh uhh , i read alot" You say nervously while scratching the back of your head. "cough-cough nerd" Sally said laughing , causing everyone else to laugh. Well that was awkward you hope that never happens agian, "Well ill be back" Jeff says "Bye everyone , Bye [y/n]" jeff say "bye Jeff" You wave while smiling, you turn around to see everyone, even sally staring at you "Uhh yess" You say nervously "So do you think Jeff is cute" Shouted Ben "Yeah because he shoure think you are" Exclaimed sally "So do ya do ya do ya" said slendy poking me in the head with one of his tenticals "Well uh, yeah I guess i do acctually" You said nervously "AH good" Masky, Hoodie say in sync , just then Jack pulls out his phone and holds his phone to his eat "Hey jeff, yeah you can come back in, yeah she thinks your cute, get at that dude" He says hanging up, you feel your face turn bright red, just then jeff walks in "i told you guys not to say anything, [y/n] let me show you where you will be sleeping" he says grumpily, you get up and follow him upstairs he stops infront of a door with the words 'Jeffy' printed on them, "here" he says "i will be sleeping on the couch in there, you will be sleeping on my bed , he walks by you and wispears


ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER... OH yea i hope you liked it c;

updating soon maybe

im kinda tired

ima try and sleep


sorry it was kinda short xc

wellto whoever is reading this

byee thanks for reading <3

~Alyssa c;

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