Episode 7: We Could Be Heroes

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"So, are all vampires bad?" I leaned forward from my seat in the middle back of the Impala. We were about an hour into our 16 hour drive. "Or are some good, like Angel or Spike?"

Dean looked at his brother and raised both of his eyebrows until I was afraid they'd fly off of his head. "Did she seriously just ask us that?" Sam nodded. "Like Angel and Spike??" Sam nodded again.

Dean sighed. "I'm going to ignore the Buffy references, and say that no, they aren't all bad, but almost all of them drink human blood. From living people, not blood banks. So in our book, they're bad."

"Do we kill them with wooden stakes?" I asked.

"It's easier just to cut off their heads." Sam turned sideways so he could see me. "They're really strong. We were thinking you could stay back and do your demon throw if we need you to. You've never fought anything like this- it's best if we keep you out of harms way as much as possible."

I nodded. As self-assured as I was now that I could throw people by an invisible force, and that I wasn't being left behind again, I wasn't all that thrilled at fighting vampires. But I might as well be useful while these guys were housing me, feeding me, and protecting me, while also trying to solve my problem.

"Basically, people keep turning up dead in Tombstone, Arizona. Dracula-style dead, drained of blood. We're gonna drive straight through, stay the night, and start investigating in the morning." Dean explained.

"We should get to Tombstone at around midnight." Sam told me.

"I thought it was a 16 hour drive?" I said. "It's already noon..."

"Not with the way Dean drives." Sam replied.

* * *

Sam was, as usual, right on the money. With the way Dean drove, we arrived at the Motel 6 in Tombstone at midnight. We checked into adjoining rooms. I had to admit, I was still a little scared to be out in the open in a motel in a room by myself, and I also liked the idea of having Sam in the room with me. We immediately all passed out.

The next morning, Sam woke Dean, and then myself, up at 6am.

"What the hell, Sam? Didn't I just go to sleep like, ten minutes ago?" I asked groggily, sitting up in my bed.

"Another body." Sam explained. He was at his laptop. "Found outside the Birdcage Theater about an hour ago. I heard on the police scanner."

Dean looked over Sam's shoulder at whatever was on the screen. Apparently it was the news from the past few days. "Damn. This place is getting hit harder than we thought by the vamps. This is ridiculous."

"How so?"

"Seven bodies, seven days." Dean explained. "Usually they'll kidnap people to turn them, or to feed off of them for a while. Or just to be creepy, who really knows why." He continued. "But seven in seven days."

"And leaving them all out in the open." Sam took over. "Every single one has been found out front of a building or residence, in the street. But no one saw a thing. That means they're leaving them there to be found, and killing them somewhere else."

"They must really want to be noticed." Dean said. "I guess picking an historic town helps with that, but I'd have gone somewhere a little more, I don't know, relevant."

"Hey guys, listen to this." Sam spoke up. "The first victim was a 19 year old transient named Raul Ponderosa. His friends say he'd been missing for three or four days before he turned up dead. Same with victim three and victim four. So some of these guys were kidnapped and held for a while."

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