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"The Romeo and Juliet serums are safe. They've been tried and tested and they will work. Sean and I have rented a house on Emerald Street to conduct the experiment. All I need, all I'm asking, is for you to show up, Bridget. Just show up next Saturday."

"And what about me?" asked Irina.

"Irina, I need you to administer the serums and monitor vital signs. Look guys, this whole thing will take less than a minute and then you guys can walk away with your five hundred dollars and a credit on my thesis." "And what makes your evidence, which is pretty much just your testimony, conclusive?" I asked.

"The serums Sean developed will be available to anyone and everyone and they can repeat my experiment at their leisure."

"But I don't think that-"

"Please, Bridget, just show up on Saturday."

There wasn't one facet of this little science experiment that didn't make me profoundly uncomfortable. But the way Micah looked at me, the tension in the room, the five hundred dollars...

"I'm not asked, Bridget. I'm begging." Micah grabbed my hands and squeezed.

"I'll think about it."

The Afterlife ExperimentWhere stories live. Discover now