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"Hurry old fool!" the shady character with shoulder length brown hair whipping his face from the harsh wind yelled at an old man. He lifted his arm up to cover his face from the force of the wind coming through a small glowing oval steadily growing larger.

The old man continued mumbling chants under his breath through the shady man's side-comments and the increasing wind.

I only have about 2 minutes left, I cannot hold on to the old man much longer. If I could only have broken the limit sooner. The man thought as he waited for the bluish ellipse to grow almost as tall as him, tall enough for him to go into.

Upon closing a very old and battered book, an old man quietly turned to the man facing the portal. "The portal is finished, my lord. I am truly sorry for the duration it took to create, it was--"

"Silence!" The man impatiently shouted. "I am not in need of your explanations. Am I able to go through safely, or not?

"Yes, my lord. Anything you desire, my lord."

"Excellent. Now you are of no use to me, your resources and knowledge have served me well." With one wave of the brown-haired man's hand, the old man collapsed to the hard forest ground, unconscious.

He smirked wickedly and raised his hand toward the portal created. It's bright and swirling form was mesmerizing. Faintly, tall buildings were mirrored from the entrancing surface as the man stared into it. Slowly, he inserted his hand into the unknown portal, wincing at the new sensation. His eyes grew big as he realized it was getting smaller. With a low grunt he hurled his whole self into the portal, disappearing from sight.

Nothing was left that showed any proof of him or the portal that was there just seconds ago, other than the old man on the ground breathing shallowly under a pile of leaves. With a sudden gust, a wolf howled in the distance as footsteps hastily approached from afar.

Chili Pepper, Lady SlipperWhere stories live. Discover now