Chapter 1

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Cedrick panted softly as he briskly walked through the hallway, books in arms and red hair in tangles. His blue eyes flickered left to right as he tried to dodge stray students in the hallway.

"I can't be late again! This is the 3rd time this month!" he squealed as he fixed his rectangular glasses just before he bumped into someone.

"Dude! Get your butt out of the way man!"

Brent, the high school jock, snorted in Cedrick's face at impact. His sandy blonde hair was waxed into a mohawk and his hazel eyes were staring harshly at Cedrick.

"Whatever Brent, there's the whole hallway, does your lard-butt really take up that much space?"

Cedrick deadpanned.

All Brent could do was glare at Cedrick as the principal, Ms. Coronel, strode past the both of them, eyeing them down.

Chills rode down Cedrick's spine as Ms. Coronel's glare pinned him to place.

She wasn't a bad looking lady, brown hair with some gray streaks, early 40's give or take a couple years and icy blue eyes. It was just the look she gave the students, and her mole.

The mole which scared everyone in place. Located on Ms. Coronel's right side, beside the corner of her mouth, it is the first thing anyone notices when she appears. The mole as big as a large marble with three long hairs sticking out of it.

The bell rang indicating first period was about to start and Cedrick jumped out of his temporary petrification from the sound of the last bell. As the ringing stopped, Ms. Coronel continued on and Cedrick ignored Brent as he was finally able to reach his classroom and scuffle inside.

"Just in time!" Cedrick exhaled as he plopped down on his seat, sweat trickling down his freckled face.

Cedrick reached for his hanky in his back pocket. "Uhg, hanky, where did it go? That was my favorite one, too." He murmured as his search for his hanky failed.

"Excusez-moi, I couldn't help but notice that the object your buttocks has rested upon is my writing material for this hour of learning period." A sweet voice matter-of-factly stated beside Cedrick.

"Uh... Uhhh... Writing material?" Cedrick, struck dumbfounded by the sentence projected at him, and slowly turned his head toward the source of the voice forgetting the dilemma of his hanky.

That second he turned his head was the second that counted the most in his 16 years living on this planet; according to Cedrick's inner thoughts at least.

Angel. The first word that came into Cedrick's mind as he scanned the unfamiliar face of this girl who talked to him, this girl who sat next to him; as it was a rarity for any girls to come near him even within three yards, "it's a nerd thing" Cedrick believed.

Angel. An angel with long, straight, and shiny pitch black hair. An angel with stunning emerald eyes. An angel with perfectly carved lips.

"Yes, I require the need of the immediate removal of your behind area from my writing material acquired for the current period of learning, if you may please?"

Cedrick's reverie abruptly ended to her small voice addressed to him. After several seconds of staring and stuttering to the word, "uhm", Cedrick's melted brain finally processed what the girl said and got up from his chair.

"I'm sor.. so.. sorry for the.. uh. inconvenience lady.. princess.. miss.. angel.. yeah."

Cedrick stuttered a sentence as the mystery girl grabbed her notebook and pencil for class, which was chemistry. Still staring at her features, Cedrick wondered if he was allowed to sit back down in his earlier spot or supposed to walk away like usual.

"Mr. Cedrick! Are you planning to stand for the whole period, or will you take a seat?" Mr. Henderson, their chemistry teacher raised his voice at Cedrick. He was never a soft-spoken person, but it seemed to Cedrick as his patience decreased 50% when talking to him.

"Yes, sir! I mean no, sir! I'm sitting down now, sir!" Cedrick hurried to sit down, not wanting another embarrassing moment in front of the prettiest girl on Earth.

She talked to me! A girl talked to me without any insults, this must be a sign for a new life. Cedrick thought full of hope.

"Good. Okay let class begin. One month has already passed since the start of this school year, and as you may have noticed, we have a new student. Miss Moira, please stand up and introduce yourself." proclaimed Mr. Henderson.

With lucid movements, the girl who sat next to Cedrick, or angel as Cedrick believed, stood up and curtsied to the whole class. "A delightful morning to all. I formally introduce myself as Moira, Moira Rimaluna, daughter of Rex Rimaluna. A pleasure it is to meet all you humans, may we prosper in one another's presence." She curtsied again, and sat back down in her seat.

Most of the class giggled, laughed, and snorted at Moira, but Cedrick was just more and more awed by his new-found "angel" and applauded at her introduction.

Mr. Henderson coughed into his fist, obviously holding in a laugh and thanked Moira for the "interesting" introduction and continued to discuss about the Periodic Table and it's importance.

Cedrick stared at Moira and every time she turned to face him he blushed and turned around.

"Greetings, Mr. Cedrick?" Moira spoke up.

Cedrick's eyes lit up and he faced Moira with a reddening face as he replied to her bashfully, "Cedrick, please. No "Mr"."

"As you wish sir Cedrick." Cedrick winced at her honorific of "Sir" towards him. "May I inquire of your wavering eyes towards me? I am in need of knowing whether there are unspecified materials on my face, or if you dislike the qualities of my appearance?"

"No! I uh, mean that I d..d..don't dislike anything about you. You.. you are p..perfect and really b..b..beautiful Moira. Tha, that's why I can't seem to t..ta..take my eyes off of you." Cedrick said with a gulp as he was feeling queasy.

"Oh, you flatter me dearly sir Cedrick. I am grateful." she replied with a small smile making Cedrick dizzy. "Yet, I am curious of one more thing." She pointed towards the board. "What is the meaning of the writings of our educational instructor?"

Cedrick looked forward to Mr. Henderson writing on the board:

New set of Chemistry Partners:

Alice and Jenny

Hayden and Brandon

Shiloh and Amanda

Jan and Dianne

Cedrick and Moira

Kirsty and Franz

"Okay, class dismissed! To those with no partners, please choose your own stray partner, or form a three-man group." Mr. Henderson said as he gathered up some papers.

Cedrick turned to Moira and gave her a huge smile as he said a little too cheerfully, "We're Chemistry partners!"



Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you are enjoying the story. What are your thoughts about Moira? Cedrick? Mr. Henderson!?

Don't forget to comment all you want, vote, and share guys and I will be uploading chapter 2 soon.


DeenaLee ^^

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