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At my school, I'm not cool. I don't belong to a clique, like the Goths, or the mathletes, or the cheerleaders. I'm just me. By myself. I never fitted in, because I was from Ireland. I have an American accent though because we moved here when I was 2 and Ruari was 6, so he still has his Irish accent (lucky him). So I'm just me. I've adjusted to it now though...

I walked home with Ruari and his mates today . He's a jock, which means he is instantly popular with everyone. Everyone loves him, because of his looks. He's 6 foot, with brown quiffed hair and green eyes. His Irish accent fails everyone for words. I wonder why..

So I'm walking home, when I notice some blonde haired guy with braces and a green hoodie lagging behind. Ruari is too engrossed in a debate about some team I've never heard of before to notice he is wheezing. I stop till he is level with me. Gawd, he's hot!

"Hey. I'm Orleighanna, but everyone calls me Ollie." I casually tried to create a conversation but fail as I trip over my own feet.  

He chuckles nervously. I can tell this is going to be awkward.  

"Hi.. I'm Niall. Niall Horan. I just moved from Mullingar..." he wheezes. He didn't need to tell me where he was from. A dummy would be able to work out he was Irish, what with his thick accent. He smiles at me, showing his braces. My heart melted.  

"Sooooo.. where do you live?" I ask. 

"75 Server Street. You?" he enquires. That's next door to me! SCORE! 

"73 of the same road. Wanna come round one day?" Smoothly done Ollie, smoothly done.  

"Sure thing, can I come now? I mean, my parents are unpacking and they don't want me under their feet so, for an hour or so maybe? I mean, if its not any trouble." Seriously? I'm dying, my hearts beating 90! 

"That's fine, don't sweat it." DON'T SWEAT IT? I've just blown my chance of being his friend. Stupid, STUPID Ollie. 

We turn into Server Street. By now, it's just me, Ruari and Niall. Everyone else has gone home, in twos and threes. Ruari and Niall have nothing in common, I soon learn. Ruari likes football and sports, whereas Niall is more interested in music and the arts. That's why I like Niall, hes so calm and laid back. 

*Omg 6 reads! Imma keep posting even though I think it's only me and my friend that reads it > _ < hehehe *

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