Chapter 2-A fresh start

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I wake up and look at the clock, its 6:30am, the perfect time for me to start getting ready for school so i go to my closet and get high waited jeans, a navy blue long sleeve shirt and my orginal converse high tops. I start getting ready by flat ironing my hair and than i get dressed than i am all done with that so i go downstairs grab an apple from the island in the middle of the kitchen and yell to my mom and dad "bye mom and dad love you see you after school." And o hear them both yell back "bye sweetie love you too, hope you have a good day see you after school."

I hop in my red jeep and plug in the directions to the school in my gps and within about 5 minutes i am at the school. I hop out of my jeep shut and lock the door and than i start walking towards the unfamiliar building that is becoming my new school. I decide that i need to find the main office so i can tell them i am a new student and tell them i need my schedule and my locker combination and that stuff.

I find the office and get my locker stuff situated and than i am off to figure out my schedule. It says 1st period i have english, 2nd i have science, 3rd i have math, 4th i have social studies, 5th is lunch and 6th period i have an aid class. So i decide i need to stop off at my locker and put my backpack away and grab everything i think i will need for my first few classes. I make it to my locker without any problems. But than as i am trying to open my locker it just wont open, i try and try and try and nothing works i let out a huff of frustration and i am about to just give up when all of a sudden a tall, tan and handsome boy walks up from behind me and says "hey it seems like you are having some problems getting your locker open, would you like some help?" I answer "yes please." So i tell him my combination and after only one try he opens it. I look at him in astonishment and ask "how did you do that?" And he replies "i have a way with lockers." I laugh and start putting my things in my locker and keep the things i need in my hands. I ask him what class he has 1st period and he responds "i have english 1st period what about you?" I answer back saying "wow what a coincidence i have english 1st period too would you mind showing me the way there? And he replies, "of course i could show you the way, just head this way." I thank him and start following him to english. I start to think "okay maybe this year won't be so bad after all." After we both enter the room for english and sit down the teacher announces "alright students settle down, it seems as if we have a new student would you like to introduce yourself?" And i reply "sure, my name is Brooke lily, i am 16, um my favorite colors are red and blue, i love to read,write sing, my favorite food is macaroni and cheese and my favorite book is the maze runner. The teacher looks at mw and the class and says "okay thank you Brooke you may sit down now, you can sit anywhere you like." I see an empty seat behind a guy with brown hair, brown eyes and glassses so i decide to sit behind him because he looks nice.
After i sit down the teacher starts her lesson, we are learning about shakespear and all of those things. After class is over, right as.i am about to leave te brown haired boy i sat behind walks up to me and says "hi im ryan, i see you just moved here and wanted to introduce myself. I say "hi nice to meet you, im Brooke." We both reach out and shake each others hands and than exit the room. After that i go to my second period class and from then on, i have no problems with my schedule, i meet a couple new people in my other classes and at lunch and than it is time to leave. The bell rings signifying that the day is over so i head to my car and i am about to get in when i hear my name being called. I turn around and look to see if i can find who was calling my name when i see ryan walking towards me. He walks up to me and says "hi, i just wanted to let you know if you need help wih your schedule or if you need help with your school work throughout the year i could tutor you." I thank him and say "yea that would be cool, i have a feeling some of these classes i might need help with." After that he suggets he give me his number so i could text or call him if i ever needed help. I say okay and hand him my phone. He puts his number in and i thank him and than he says "well i should get going so you can get home and settled in and i have some homework i have to get done, bye talk to you later." I reply with "bye ryan, talk to you tommorow, thanks for all the help." He turns and says "no problem" and than starts heading towards his car. I get in my car and start it and than head home. When i get home i head into the kitchen to grab a snack and i see mom sitting at the counter looking at magazines. She sees me and says "hey sweetie, how was your first day of school?" And i smile and say "it was great i had alot of fun and met alot of cool people." She says "oh thats great honey, i was hoping this school would be good." I turn to her and say "well i better start my homework now, i have alot." She says "okay sweetie, i will call you down when we have dinner." I head upstairs, throw my backpack on my desk and start working on everything. After 2 hours of working i finally get everything done. And i head downstairs to see if dinner is done. It is, so i grab a plate and pile it high, than i sit down and start digging in. I look at mom across the table and say "thanks mom this is great, i was starving." She says "well i am glad it is good." After we get done eating and we clean up everything i head back upstairs and take a shower and get ready for bed. I lay down and think "today was good. Hopefully all my other days will be good too." And than i drift off too sleep.

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