chapter 3-exploring the house

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I wake up on saturday morning at about 9:30am. I go downstairs and make a bowl of cereal and start eating it. As i am eating the cereal i start looking around the houe and i see a little door knob that i have never seen before. So i get up and walk over to the door knob. I turn the door knob and pray that it opens, and it does. So i open the door all the way and duck into the door. I search around with my hands on the wall for a light switch because it is extremely dark in here. I all of a sudden feel the light switch and flip it on and the room is illuminated with light. I start looking around the tiny room and i see many boxes with unknown items in them. I see blankets covoring furniture items and than i see a box that sticks out to me because it is a dark blue and it has intricate gold detailing on it. I decide that i should open it and find out what is in the box because if it looks that pretty their must be something good in it. I walk over to it, take the lid off and i see i big folded piece of paper, a magnifying glass, a book that looks like a journal of some sort and a piece of cloth. I take all the contents out of the box and sit down on the floor to examine them more. I look through the magnifying glass for a second than i carefully put it down on the ground, than i start looking at the peices of paper. I take out the big folded peice of paper and unfold it compleltely. As i am looking at it more i come to realize that is floor plans for an old morgue and it looks exactly like the way the basement is set up. I get a creepy feeling so i fold it back up, put everything back in the box and decide that i will take it upstairs with me and examine it more later. I head back up stairs and walk to my room. I take one more look at the box and quickly and quietly slide it under my bed. I than head back downstairs and sit down in the living room and watch tv for a little while before mom comes downstairs and asks why the little door was open and i reply with " i found it and than opened it and decided to take a look down there. I didnt find anything so i came back upstairs. I forgot to close it behind me, im sorry." Mom replies back with "its okay sweetie just remember to close the doors behind you next time and be careful looking around, you never know what kind of old creepy stuff could be left over from the last person who lived here." I nod my head yes than i head back upstairs and sit in my chair. I think to myself. I wonder why all those things were in that box? And why were they hidden? After i sit upstairs for a bit and read mom calls me downstairs for lunch. I tell her i will be right down and head down the stairs. We both eat in slience and after we eat mom says "hey would you like to drive around and look at the town?" I say "sure just let me change really fast and than we can go." I head upstairs change into pants and a t-shirt, i head back downstairs and find mom waiting by the door she looks at me and says, "ready to go?" And i say "yeah lets go."
So we both get in the car and drive around for about an hour before i see a cool looking bookstore so i look at mom and ask "can we stop at that bookstore really fast and see if they have any good books?" She says "yea sure lets find a parking space." We park the car and walk towards the book store. We go inside and too the right i see a huge book shelf that has at least 100 books in it so i walk towards it and start looking at all the books. I see one particular book that jumps out at me so i grab it and look at it. I decide to get it. So i go up to the counter and pay for it. Than i exit the book store and look around to see if there are any other stores that i might want to visit.
I see a couple different stores i might like but i decide i will check them out some other day. I start to walk back towards the car when i see a small park with a swing set, a slide. A teter-toter, and monkey bars and think "i havent played on one of these in years." So i walk towards it and go on the monkey bars and go down the slide and i get carried away having fun so i end up staying there for about an hour.
By then it is around 4:30 so i think i should go find my mom. As i am walking i notice the trees are turning orange and red for fall and i get very excited seeing ad i love fall and the colder weather. So i just walk slowly taking in the beautiful view. I keep walking for about 15-20 minutes and i notice a very old, creepy looking house.
I think about going inside and checking it out but i decide against it because it looks very old and it could be dangerous. I keep walking untill i get back too the car i get inside the car and see mom is ready to leave so i tell her lets head home and get ready for dinner. Once we pull up at the house i get out and walk into the kitchen and wash my hands so i can help mom make dinner. We decide on making spaghetti, one of my favorites so i wash my hands and start making everything than i set the table after everything is done cooking and we have loaded our plates with all the food we sit down. Than i dig in after mom thanks me for helping her fix this. After we both eat, i do the dishes, and after that i look at the clock and see that is is about 9:30pm so i decide to take a shower and get ready for bed. I lay down and as soon as i close my eyes i immediately fall into a deep sleep, Thinking about what my first day of school will be like.

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