three - joanna

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"Riley! Call me back!" I left my stupid boyfriend the fourth voicemail of the day. I groaned in frustration, slammed my bedroom door and threw myself on my bed.

Okay, calm down Joanna. He's not with her, you're overreacting.

I jumped out of my bed and grabbed my stuff so I could leave. "Mom, I'm going out!"

"Where are you going?" Ella asked. I know she heard me yelling, so she's probably worried about me. "I'm just going for a ride, to clear my head. And I won't be home 'till later because I'm meeting up with Charlie." Charlie is my closest friend. I met her when I started getting serious about modeling. (I really love models & the girl who plays her is a model so yeah woohoo)

I walked out of the house and got into my car. I had to take a moment to breathe because this day has too much of an affect on me. Think before you act, Jo. I can't do this this to him, it's too crazy.

I let out the breath I was holding in. Fuck it, I'm leaving. I started driving towards my destination.


I knocked on the door. It's not too late to turn around. No. I'm doing this to get my revenge.

"Joanna? What are you doing here?" I look up at Jesse. What the hell do I say? 'Hey Jesse, I'm here at your apartment to cheat on my boyfriend with you, because he cheated on me first. Hope you don't mind!'

"Uh, I don't know. Can we talk? I really need someone right now." He reached out to wipe a tear that slipped across my cheek.

"Yeah, of course." He stepped out of the way to let me in and gestured to the couch.

I sat down and he followed my actions. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Riley cheated on me." I blurted out. There wasn't as much shock to his reaction as I expected. "But, you already knew that huh?"

He let out a breath. "Look, I'm not going to lie; Riley has always been pretty flirty with other girls. So, no it doesn't surprise me that he cheated. But, I had no idea that he did. And if I knew I would've told you." He pulled me into a hug.

"I want to be honest with you, I actually came over here to sleep with you. You know? Get revenge." I laughed at the ridiculous idea but, I noticed Jesse had a little smile on his face. "What?" I laughed some more.

"You wanted to sleep with me?" His smile became even bigger, while my laugher got even louder. "You were gonna try to have sex with me?!" He said before jumping on me and he began tickling me.

"Stop, Jesse!" By this point I was pretty sure I was going to die of laughter. "Jesse!" I started punching him to get him to stop.

"Alright, I'm done." Thank goodness, he finally got off of me. "You're so red." We both laughed.

Then, he did something so unexpected; he leaned in and kissed me. I could feel so much passion and warmth in the kiss. I moved my body so I could straddle him. His hands were on my waist and he ran his fingers through my hair. We were so close I could feel the erratic beating of his heart. I started moving my hips until I could feel a hard bump underneath me. (this is so awkward to write omg) I felt him playing with the hem of my shirt so I just thought 'what the hell?' and pulled it off.

"Wow, you actually have really nice boobs." I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? I'm just saying." I had to start kissing him again before he completely ruined the moment. He started taking his clothes off, which in turn resulted in me taking off the rest of my clothes.

"I'm gonna go grab a condom." I grabbed his arm before he could get up. "Birth control." He gave me a satisfied grin. And with that he pulled my panties off, and entered me.

"Oh, fuck." He was a little bigger than Riley so, I had to adjust to the new feeling. He started to move a lot faster and it became more enjoyable.

"Joanna." He breathed out my name. Then out of nowhere, the front door opened.

"What the fuck?" I jumped off the couch and ran to the bathroom.

"Toni?" I heard Jesse say before I shut the door.

Jesse's POV

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I asked while putting my boxers back on.

"I decided to be a nice brother and bring you some food since I know you're broke but, I see you found something else to snack on." He laughed.

"Ha-ha." This was too weird to make jokes. "Who was that girl anyway?" He asked.

"Ella's younger sister." The look of shock on his face was very amusing.

"Damn, you wanna fuck their mom too?" He asked jokingly.

"If she has tits like them, then I don't see why not." I laughed.

"Really, Jesse?" We both snapped our headed towards Joanna who was only wearing one of my t-shirts I left in the bathroom.

"Um, okay. I'm gonna head home, have fun." Toni said.

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