heart strong pov:
Everything in equestria was so happy and colorful, oh forgot to introduce myself, i'm heart singer and i'm a unicorn and i'm a very good singer. I was walking around ponyville, because i just moved there and everything seemed safe and sound.
As i was walking a black coated unicorn came up to me.
"Hi are you Heart Singer, i'm Dark Heart and i'm gonna help you find your way aro---"
She looked up from hey her piece of paper up at me and stared, at first i let her but now she started to creep me out. So i waved my hoof in her face "Hello.." i said the she stopped staring and started showing me around.
"ok..do you have a house yet?" she asked me.
I shook my head and said," My first time in ponyville."
"Well you can stay with me if you want"
"...sure ok"
The next morning i woke up and got me some tea, then i noticed that dark heart was packing up then looked and walked over to me,"You better get packing if want to come with me."
As i put my mane into a ponytail and got packing i asked,"Where are we going?"
And all she said was,"you'll see..."

AdventureSo ill be Making new books for you guys and sometimes on the weekends to create pictures most will be MLP. BYE BAD BLOODS.