(OK I'm gonna go to 2 months later because I haven't been updating lately and this is based off my real life experiences)
Me and Heart Singer been chatting and we were going out...so I thought until something broke my heart.
"So I have something to show you but promise me you won't be mad..." Heart Singer said
"I promise." I said thinking that it was nothing to worry about. So I followed her to her place and there he was, a stallion he was a earth pony with a rose for a cutie mark he had a clean white coat with a brown mane.
"This is red rose and he's my boyfriend."
BOOM that's when it hit me even though I promised not to be mad but inside I..was..boiling. So I faked it so she won't be heart broken.
"Alright good for you...so what happened "
"Well he asked me out."
"Cool so listen I have to go but talk to you later."I walked back to the castle til I couldn't hold it no more I ran in crying. Then there was a knock on the door.
"Dark Heart, sweet heart I saw you run in crying what happened?" It was moon flyer a bat pony me and her been friends since we met a the coronation for princess twilight sparkle.
"It's Heart Singer she got a stallion named Red Rose." I said sobbing
"Aww you should be happy for he--"
"Well news flash I'm not I put on a fake smile but it's heart breaking, I thought we were together she was my day and I was her night I thought we were gonna be together forever but NO I'm sorry but I can't be happy I'm sitting here crying my freaking eyes out how I'm I suppose to be happy!"
"Hey there's no need to yell you should be happy because she found someone she loved."
And that set me off"someone she loved I thought she loved me and you think you have the right to tell me she didn't love me!!!"
"No that's not what I said at all!"
"Just go away you're not helping me at all."
So she left me,I don't need Heart Singer she's nothing to me just some girl that used me she didn't love me at all all my feelings were just make believe...
"I can't take it any more!"
I took my bag and went to the train station I'm on my way to see princess Celestia.
Princess Celestia p.o.v
I was doing me royal duties when one of my royal guards came to me"Your highness Dark Heart is here to see you."
"Send her in."
Dark Heart is one of the new mane 7 and the mane 7 are students of princess twilight, but why was she seeing me. She came in with a wet face like she was crying and her mane was a mess and I knew why.
"Princess Celestia, I wanted to speak to you about something that just happened."
"Of course anything." I said acting worried for her.
"Have you ever loved someone and then they tell you something very heat breaking that you started crying?"
"Well..I did once with Discord me and him fell in love we were happy until...we had to fight and split but don't worry I feared you would come to me about this."
"How?" She asked confused
I pointed my wing over to a dark corner then came out was Moon Flyer my sisters, Princess Luna's night student and Heart Singer.
Afterwards they made up and went home, I wrote a letter to Twilight and told her everything.

AventuraSo ill be Making new books for you guys and sometimes on the weekends to create pictures most will be MLP. BYE BAD BLOODS.