I was confused on what she meant by "you'll see" but I followed anyways. As we were walking I notice that her necklace was glowing and so was her cutie mark. So I looked at mine to see of it was glowing too, but it wasn't and now I was getting freaked out. Everything seemed to be getting dark...BOOM! A alicorn, I've seen princess twilight, princess luna, princess celestia, and princess cadence, but I never saw this alicorn before. She had a blue and purpleish mane, her coat was yellow. She had blue and purple makeup with long eyelashes. She had two necklaces with wire tied around her hoof, with 3 percings on her ear. She had a skull cutie mark. She also had Japanese word on the back of her neck, one on her wing, and flowers on her hind leg by her cutie mark. Both her necklace and cutie mark was glowing too.
" We're gonna be late lets g-- who is this suppose to be dark heartl?" The alicorn said as though she didn't want me here.
" She's new around here she wanted to tag along wi--"
"She can't be here she has to go, look at her she doesn't even have a necklace on!"
Dark heart ran in front of me like she was protecting me,"SHE'S COMING RATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!"
After that we continued to walk in silience then we walked into a castle. Nobody was there but us, dark heart said they would be here in a minute so I toke a nap.

AdventureSo ill be Making new books for you guys and sometimes on the weekends to create pictures most will be MLP. BYE BAD BLOODS.