Mate of the Werewolf - Gaining a Wolf's Curiosity

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Chapter 6: Gaining a Wolf’s Curiosity

“Ethan! You useless dick, where the hell are you?!”

The sound of his sister’s voice pulled Ethan back into reality and he harshly broke the passionate kiss he was experiencing with Chance, placing his hands on his bare chest in order to push him back. He looked up in mild surprise when he heard an aggressive growl radiate from Chance, but immediately realized that that snarl wasn’t directed at him as his eyes glared with heated intensity at the door.

His sister had once again made a dramatic return home, no doubt seriously pissed off by the fact that the mysterious wolf she spoke about before had gotten away. Of course, she would never admit that to him, instead throwing insults at him like it was his fault and then go on to tell an overly dramatic story about how amazing she was.

Fortunately, though, she didn’t have the habit of forcing her way into his room. She would tell him it’s because she didn’t want to enter a grotty boy’s room and have to deal with his disgusting boyish scent, leering at him like he was some sort of a deviant.

“That’s my sister,” Ethan explained as he sighed, wincing when he heard a loud crash from down starts. “And she sounds like she’s in a bad mood again.”

“She is your sister?” Chance asked him with a sense of surprise in his voice, his eyes looking at him in wonder. He then held this look of annoyance, seemingly detested by the fact that she and Ethan were actually related.

“Twin sister, she’s the oldest by a few minutes, though,” Ethan explained, deciding not to verbally add that she would remind him of that fact randomly all the time, especially when she was trying to goad him into an argument or physical fight.

“Then that would explain why you are so passive while she is highly aggressive,” Chance murmured in intrigue as he slowly crawled off of him. “And why her scent is so nauseating.”

Ethan sat up in silence on the bed for a moment, contemplating his words and the gears slowly began to turn in his mind. Then, a sense of realization dawned upon him, like a light bulb suddenly being turned on.

“Are you saying that because I am a twin, my sister has taken my aggression while I had taken her compassion when we transformed into Werewolves for the first time?” Ethan asked, trying to get his head around this new information.

“While sibling Werewolves are not rare by any means, but twins are,” Chance went on to explain. “Twin siblings that turn into werewolves usually are born as complete opposites; you being male and she being female is the most obvious.”

Ethan opened his mouth to ask another question when he heard his sister shout his name again, her voice growing in pitch and intensity. She sounded REALLY pissed off!

“I better go before she destroys the house,” Ethan said as he slipped off the bed, fixing up his shirt that had been ruffled during the explorative and heated kisses, of which had made the blush to his cheeks linger further. “You better stay here, she’s mad enough as it is.”

Chance didn’t like the sound of that, appearing all the ready to fight her himself, but relented reluctantly when Ethan sent him an pleading look. Chance growled in his throat again before suddenly snaring Ethan by the wrist, dragged him back toward him and kissed his firmly on the lips.

“If she harms you, I will kill her.”

Ethan winced at the possessiveness in his voice. And he knew that he was serious, so if he wanted to keep his sister alive, he had to keep out of her way. Easier said and done, especially when he hated to fight.

Rearranging his clothes into a more respectable state as he descended the stairs, moving toward his sister’s high-pitched, highly agitated voice, Ethan winced when he heard a crash of something being broken. It was probably the TV again; it’s only the third set he had to purchase this month.

And sure enough, as he stepped into the lounge room, his sister, Camellia, stood in front of the broken TV set, her shoulders tensed and rigid as she breathes heavily through her snarling twisted lips.

Cautiously he approached her. He had seen Camellia in this state of rage far too many times to count and he knew that if he wasn’t on his guard, she was going to lash out at him. And it seemed as days moved on she was becoming more and more violent, impatient and just altogether more angry about everything. She was getting harder and harder to live with, Ethan was constantly walking on eggshells around her and he knew that there might be a day where she became so enraged that she might even try to kill him.

So, normally, he didn’t want to retaliate, but with her rage becoming more dangerous and Chance no doubt lingering close by, ready to follow through with his threat, Ethan had to be careful.

“What’s wrong now?” he asked, his brow furrowing into a questioning gaze when she whipped around to face him, her face as threatening as thunder.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Camellia snarled dangerous at him, her hands balling into tight fists that where trembling from hardly suppressed rage. “Just because you’re male doesn’t mean you’re in charge.”

Ethan could only blink at her in confusion. Never once had he stated that he wanted to be seen as if he was in charge. As far as he was aware of, no one was in charge of this area, which was why Camellia so happily claimed this land as her territory.

“...I don’t want to be in charge,” he responded slowly.

“Yeah, right,” Camellia responded mirthlessly as she folded her arms tightly under her bust. “Then are you telling me that you sent these wolves here to control me?”

Again Ethan merely blinked blankly at her. “Wolves?”

“Don’t play dumb with me,” she immediately snarled, taking a threatening step forward in such a way that Ethan had to take a step back to avoid her reach. “Although you are awfully good at it.”

That comment was supposed to leave a stinging sense of speechlessness from her scathing wit, but in reality it wasn’t all that witty. And besides, Ethan had grown used to Camellia’s insults, so they were hardly effective.

Especially at this precise moment as he was too intrigued to hear about these wolves she was talking about. He knew that he couldn’t rely on her words alone, especially the ones stating that they were attempting to make her their mate as she thinks anyone male was after her because of her beauty. And he was even more sceptical of her claims after hearing about the Soul Link between wolves from Chance.

But what he knew was true was the fact that there were move wolves roaming the area and there was a possibility that they were searching for the White Wolf as Camellia seemed to be awfully angry with him for whatever reason.

What those wolves could possibly want from him, he couldn’t fathom.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve by calling yourself the Legendary White Wolf,” Camellia went on to vent at him, her pride no doubt taking quite a significant blow during her encounter with the new wolves tonight. “But if you think you can gain control over this area by getting rid of me, you’re sorely mistaken!”

Ethan won’t even bother to dispute that claim at this point in the argument; she was simply far too enraged to even listen to reason. So, he instead tried to turn the topic back toward these wandering wolves she was talking about. After all, it was quite rare to encounter so many wolves in one night.

“What are you talking about?” Ethan asked curiosity. “What other wolves?”

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