Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except OC's

Warning this part will have a lot of Breaks in it so I can switch POV from Katharine, Rick, Evy, Jonathan and Ardeth to Imhotep, Anck-su-namun and Alex.

"That's the blue Nile down there. We must be out of Egypt by now". Rick commented as both he and his wife looked over the side of the Dirigible down to the crisp clean beautiful blue water.

"In ancient time's all this still belonged to the upper kingdom". Evy added on as she walked over to the pair.

"The oasis must be around here somewhere". Katharine said as she looked around the cavern.

"Don't worry, Kat, we'll find him. He's a smart kid. He'll leave us a sign". Rick called out as he walked away from his wife.


Alex was in the process of making the next sandcastle for his parents when a foot came down on it.

"Surprised to see me"? Lock-Nah yelled as he picked Alex up, who was starting to shake.

"Leaving breadcrumb's, huh? Huh"? Lock-Nah continued as he shook the boy violently. Imhotep who was standing in the river turned towards the man with a glare.

"Lock-Nah! Put the boy down". Imhotep yelled at him making Lock-Nah scowl before doing as his lord commanded. He didn't understand why his lord was so protective over the boy especially now that they were near the end of their Journey. It couldn't be because of the O'Connell woman as he knew Lord Imhotep was in love with Anck-su-namun, after all it had been the reason why Meela had broken things off with him as she desired more power and Lord Imhotep could provide her with that.

"I hope your father enjoyed his journey". Imhotep told the boy before turning his attention to the river. He would make sure he didn't harm his wife during this but he had to get rid of O'Connell.

Imhotep used his powers on the river creating a tidal wave, one remarkably similar to his sand wave from 8 years ago. Behind him Hafez and Anck-su-namun backed away gasping although there was a slightly pleased smirk on the woman's face.

Alex watched in horror as a wall of water rushed towards the canyon.


Katharine's eyebrows furrowed when she felt the air change in temperature slightly and the wind pick up. A loud rumble was heard through the canyon making everyone look around wearily. Evy, Jonathan, Rick and Ardeth walked to the front of the dirigible while Katharine continued to look behind Izzy.

Both Katharine and Izzy gasped when they saw the wall of water come around the bend.

"We're in trouble"! Izzy yelled out in a panic. Everyone turned to look towards the wave.

"Whoa"! Katharine heard Jonathan gasp as she backed away from Izzy and towards her husband.

"Does this seem familiar to you"? Katharine asked her husband as they watched the wave get closer and closer before Imhoteps face appeared in the water. The face gave a cruel smirk and seemed to laugh an evil chuckle as it caught sight of the Dirigible.

"Horus, fly"! Ardeth ordered the falcon as he threw his arm over the side of the ship.

"Izzy, come hard right! Starboard! Starboard"! Rick yelled out to the man as he watches Horus fly in that direction. Katharine gasped as she watched the mouth open wide before coming forward at a fast pace. The Dirigible was inside the mouth when it suddenly gave a burst of speed. Rick grabbed onto Katharine who nearly fell over at the speed as the Dirigible flew out of the mouth making the wave crash into itself.

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