Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except OC's

Inside the pyramid, Imhotep had just walked into one of the chamber and started to walk down the stairs. He was outraged at Anck-su-namun for killing his wife's reincarnation. He had already planned to bring Tia back in her body but now he would have to use more power so that he could separate the two from each other.

Anck-su-namun on the other hand followed Imhotep with a smug smirk on her lips. She had finally been able to kill the woman like she'd wanted to 3,000 years ago. And as long as Imhotep didn't get his hands on the black book (which she held firmly in her own) she would be able to seduce her way into his heart once again.

Imhotep had just finished walking down the stairs, standing on the Scorpion Kings seal. Immediately the two Anubis statues standing side by side shot out black smoke at the man making him scream in pain and for Anck-su-namun to back away in terror. After the smoke had disappeared Imhotep kneeled over to catch his breath, feeling disorientated. He had only felt that pain once before and terror ran through him as the realisation struck.

He quickly tried to use his powers on the nearby bench filled with goblets and plates but only succeeded in making it rattle a little. He tried again as desperation ran through him receiving the same results.

"The great god Anubis ... has taken my powers. It seems he wishes me to fight ... as a mortal". Imhotep muttered to himself being heard by Anck-su-namun who looked around with wide terrified eyes.


Rick hugged his son to him, holding him tightly as Jonathan kneeled by his sister, just sitting there watching her peaceful face as if she may jump up at anytime and claim it was all a joke. Although he knew better as he knew Katharine would never do anything like that to the people who loved her, especially Alex and Rick. Jonathan looked over at the man who was holding his son to see him looking at Katharine's body with an empty look in his eyes making Jonathan shiver and turn away.

Rick pulled away from his son as anger and determination washed over him. He had to stop Imhotep from waking up the Scorpion King and kill Anck-su-namun for what she had done to his wife.

"Stay here" Rick ordered him receiving a small teary eyed nod in return. Standing up he took on last look at his beautiful wife just laying there before heading into the pyramid.


Rick was walking through the pyramid, torch in hand when the walls suddenly turned gold making him whirl back in astonishment. He had to wonder if this is how Kat felt when she had her visions. Rick had cried all the tears he had over his wife and the only thing he had now that was keeping him going forward was Alex and revenge on Imhotep and his un-dead mistress.


Outside Jonathan and Alex backed away from the pyramid as a loud noise resounded from inside it and as shadow descended over the landed before moving away. As they both had their back turned neither saw the shadow of a scorpion make its way up the pyramid before disappearing.

Jonathan and Alex relaxed and sat back down once the shadow's had disappeared. Jonathan watched as Alex started to cry again as they sat across from Katharine. The sight of her so quiet and so still made Jonathan look away from her and nudge his grieving nephew.

"Try to think of it like this, Alex. She's gone to a better place. You know, like it says in the good book". Jonathan tried to calmly say with his throat clogged up. Of course it was hard to think like that as all that was going through his head was that his little sister was gone.

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