A Walk In The Park

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The sun was out and the trees were green. Canines all shapes and sizes were playing together.

But Destin stayed by my side, ignoring anything and everything. He was different to the other dogs. He could sit, totally still, as if he was thinking. Deep in his mind processing all the data he had gathered. It was like he could understand me, not memorize a few words, but understand short or simple sentences. He could piece them together and understand.

I stood up, my legs brushing the bench. I walked over to the ice cream van. I asked for a small chocolate ice cream, and Destin put his paws up on the counter. The man gave him a bone he had picked up earlier. I gave him change and a thanks. We trotted over to a large tree, it's roots creating large compartments in the earth, and sat down to injoy our snack.

A small, arogant dog puffed out it's chest and strode towards Destin. It yapped, in an annoyingly confident way, and glared at Destin. We bared out teeth and produced a sycronised snarl, it was almost harmonious but frightening none the less. The little yappy dog fled back to it's owner looking terified and lost. The human gave me an uncomforting stare and walked her dog out of the park.

We laughed to ourselves for a minute. Then left by our secret entrance to the park.

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