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Hey guys! Thanks for the reads and votes :) commenting is good as well you know ;) lol I know the last chapter was awful but I actually get soooo happy when I check my email and see new comments :D anywho I NEED TO ASK YOU GUYS A FAVOUR. Could somebody maybe make me a cover? I know people will just look past my story cuz the cover is crap (I know it is) and I know how capturing a good cover can be, so I NEED HELP! The winner will get dedications and shutouts and will be MY FAVOURITE PERSON EVER!!! I'll fan you and yep you'll just be absolutely amazing. SO try help a girl in need maybe? Thanks guys :* PS I LOVE COMMENTS ON MY STORY AND ON MY WALL IT MAKES MY WEEK SO IF YOU WANNA, COMMENT!!! :D

Ps please excuse the last chapter....... I know it was bad XD

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