Chapter 12 :)

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For the second time in two nights I stumbled into bed, my heart about to beat out of my chest, a million different thoughts whirling round my mind. I'd never been this happy before, ever! Amidst the never ending thoughts of Harry, came one scary thought. Where was Susan? Where was my foster mother?

I hadn't seen or heard from her in two days! Where on earth could she be? Usually she never left the house other than for shopping, I was her main priority.

With the thought beginning to scare me, I pushed it to the back of my mind and slowly fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to the first day of the mid-term, half expecting Susan to saunter in, a full Irish breakfast on a tray for my breakfast. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.

I got up and had my breakfast, then headed down to the shop to do a quick shop, because with Susan gone there was no one to do the shopping. And I eat. A LOT.

I quickly got a couple of essentials, I was also running out of money....

I got home still hoping somehow Susan had returned. To no such look.

Now I was panicking. I tried calling Susan a couple of times but to no avail.

Who else could I call? I hadn't seen my foster father since the I got here, due to "work reasons."

There was no one else. Anybody else and before I knew it, I would be on the way to foster home number 6 and away from Harry. There was no way I was doing that. Ever.

I let out a long sigh, just as things were going good in my life, it's snatched away from under my nose. Just wait till the panic's out.

I had a long shower and spent the day doing my homework to get it out of the way. I ended up watching a whole series of Doctor Who and fell asleep on the couch, exhausted from worry.


I woke up the next day to a sinking feeling in my stomach. Was she ever going to come back?

Tears welled up in my eyes as I picked up my phone to ring my last hope. Harry.

"H-Harry" I choked out trying to swallow my unshed tears.

"Babe are you okay?!" I could hear the concern thick in his voice.

"Could you come over please?" I asked in a small voice, trying to hide the obvious panic in my voice.

"Sure, I'll be over in 5 minutes. Will you be okay till then?" he asked

"Y-Yes" I stuttered, feeling pathetic at how weak I was.

I hung up the phone and collapsed onto the floor, my hands cradling my head.

How had this happened?! Realisation of the situation and how serious it was had only just set in. And now I was losing all hope.

Please let her be alright, please let her be alright, please let her come back to me- I willed with all my might.

The doorbell rang and snapped me out of my trance. I rose from my spot on the floor to go let Harry in.

But it wasn't Harry. It was a note.

"Your foster mother is dead. Go home. You'll be safe if you go back to Ireland, if not, we'll come after you. And we will NOT show mercy. Do not look into this, or you will regret it. We're watching you and your every move."

A numbness spread through my body and i began to feel lightheaded and dizzy.

Dead. She was gone. Murdered.

Two black spots engulfed my vision and the darkness took over.


Harry's Pov:

I reached Lucy's house within a number of minutes, her distraught voice on the phone scared me. A lot.

I rang the doorbell and waited for somebody to come, but nobody did. After the third ring I got worried. Very worried. What if something bad had happened to Lucy?

I tried to remain calm as I sieved through my thoughts, till I remember Lucy once telling me they always kept a spare key under the mat.

I searched under the mat and shoved the key into the lock and forced the door open.

I didn't have to look far to find her.

There she was in the kitchen doorway, unconscious.

I rushed over to her, a sick feeling in my stomach. I checked her pulse, still breathing. I lifted her weightless body into my arms with ease and set her down on the couch. I went and got a cold facecloth to place on her forehead to cool her down and hopefully, wake her up.

After a few minutes, she woke up. A wave of relief washed over me. She was okay.

"Harry?" she barely whispered.

"How are you? Are you okay? What happened? How did you faint?" I rambled on and Lucy's eyes brimmed with tears, and my heart broke. It killed me to see her like this.

"My foster mother, she- she's gone." she muttered, tears of sorrow and regret streaming down her face.

My eyes widened, would Lucy be taken away from me?! I'd never ever let it happen. I'd do whatever it took to stay with her.

I wrapped my arms around her, and she buried her head into my chest, sobbing.

"I'm sorry" she muttered "I'm being a baby" she tore her eyes away from my gaze, looking at the ground. I placed one finger under her chin and gently raised it up as her big, beautiful hazel eyes bore into mine, the pain and hurt evident. Pain and hurt that had built up over the years, that I'd contributed to. I don't think I'd ever forgive myself.

I leaned forward, and placed a gentle kiss on her soft lips. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, as they always did when I kissed her. I pulled away.

"you are one of the strongest person I've ever met. You've gone through so much an come out of it at the end, an amazing person. I love you so much, never forget that. You are not being unreasonable at all."

She gave me a weak smile and buried herself back into my chest, still sniffling.

We watched Sherlock and Doctor Who for the rest of the day, and I made her pancakes for dinner, also calling my mum to let her know I was staying over at a friends for the night.

Lucy fell asleep in my arms, breathing softly. I wracked my brain to find any way possible for Lucy to stay here, to stay here in my arms where she belonged.

A/N HEY GUYS :D sorry I'm a lazy person :L sorry it took so long! Thanks for not pressuring me though and for once I actually know where the story is going next :O :O :O I know, amaze balls, right?! Oooh don't forget,nicest comment wins a dedication! Make sure to be original, you'll stand out :D

Emily, Meghan if you're reading this HEY GUYS XD see ya 2moro biotches :)

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