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The restaurant was a jampack!, our crew are busy taking in and out orders from the customers. I smile to myself thinking that this could means lot of tip. I am 15 mins early from my schedule so i still got time to fix myself to change for my uniform. " oh god no!, " i groan, but it is much better than the one my bestfriend Betty wears. She was assigned down under. Its like a bar where private and elite people relax and unwhined. It is also owned by Arnuld Galnida the owner of the restaurant I'm working at now. I never been down under, but for me i thinks its creepy thinking you got to serve the most feared Gang,The Cortezes. They said they're a family of violent and ruthless gang in the city.

" Butler its time already. " a tap on the door brings me back from what i was thinking,I sigh looking at myself into the mirror and went outside quietly.

In my way to the dinning area i prepare my biggest smile and work my butt out.

" Hannah!, Jimmy's looking for you " john said. He was one of the waiters and a friend. He was reffering to our supervisor.

" yes, thank you i'll on my way to it now" i smile and tap his arm, and hurried my way to Jimmy's office. I was confuse as to why i am being called. It was unusual because I was never been late or go against the rules in my working place, I was never once a pain in someone elses ass. I tugged my skirt down more, up until now I never used to wear this legs revealing skirt, but i dont have a choice. I knock the door twice.

" come in " the voice inside says.

" Im here " i said and sit at the chair infront of his table. Jimmy smile to me tenderly. He was at his late 60s. He was like a father to me. I can see how uneasy he look at this moment so I became a little worried too. " what happen?, are you alright-

" I am fine child " he just wave his hands reasuringly. " but i think i may broke my promise to you this day " he look into my eyes directly. And I think I know already what he was trying to say.

" but why me? " i asked in puzzlement. Its not that I'm afraid. I never did back down any challenges but this is different, I sigh heavily.

" Im sorry Hannah but i dont have choice the upper management send the memo just awhile ago. " he just stare into me.

" its seems that i don't have choice too right? " i smiled not reaching my eyes, i don't have a choice at this moment. It was the managements request.And without a word I just shrugged and heavily walk out the door.

WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMANWhere stories live. Discover now