Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 [edited]

              "How much longer?" I asked with a groan. The weather had taken a cold turn as it was raining and me and Cole were getting soaked in the cold rain. Why did I have to wear shorts and a t-shirt? Along with the rain was a strong cold breeze and the streets were slightly isolated. A car would come by every ten minutes and then it was quite again. Cole didn't seem fazed by the fact that he was soaking and that his hoodie was clinging to him showing off his muscular build.

            "Come on keep up, feisty." Cole shouted at me as I walked behind him "You must be slow because of your short legs." I narrowed my eyes at him and I could picture him smirking.

"Hey. I'm not short. I'm 5"4 actually and you're like 5"8."

"Actually I'm 5"11 so to me you are short."

            "Shut up." I heard him chuckle and followed him closely. I looked down at the ground and focused on my shoes, Olivia had gotten these converses for my birthday, gosh I miss her! And I miss everybody else too. Cole stopped abruptly which I didn't notice and it caused me to bump into his back. I groaned and stood in front of him. I glared at him, "what the hell Cole. Why did you stop like that?"

              "Because feisty we're here." He grabbed my arms and spun me around and what I saw in front of me caused me to widen my eyes and I'm pretty sure my jaw was open. In front of me was a huge house... no a mansion! A white mansion with a huge driveway which was closed off to us by a gate. In the middle of the driveway was a fountain with flowers around it and there was a black porshe in the driveway. Who the hell lives here? And how does Cole know this person? Cole's voice brought me back into reality "...yeah we're here and she's with me." I turned around and saw that he was talking on the phone, "um..." he looked at me and shamelessly checked me out. I frowned, "yeah she's a looker." Wait. What? Did the guy on the phone ask Cole if I was good looking? Cole smirked at me, "open the gates."  The gates slowly opened and Cole put his phone away.

             "Uh pervert," I commented as I crossed my arm. Cole just smirked at me and lead me towards the house, "who lives here?"

"My friend."

"What's his name?"


"How do you know this person?"

"We go back."

"How-" He turned around causing me to stop talking.

"Wow you ask so many questions, annoying much?"

"And you're bi- polar."

"We're back to that?"

               "Well you are." He started walking again and I followed him in "I mean one minute you're all cocky and annoying..." I hadn't realised that we had stepped into the house since I was proving a point to Cole "... and then the next you're all criminal and, you know, shooting an innocent guy and then the next you're smirking." I saw him smirking again "Stop smirking it's annoying."

              "Wow I already like you." An unfamiliar voice said causing me to jump and hide behind Cole. I felt Cole laughing and then I looked around and saw that we were inside the mansion and it was big! We were in a place which looked like a hotel lounge but I knew it was the living room since there was white couch's placed in the centre facing a huge plasma screen t.v. which was hung on the wall and in between that was a big coffee table with some magazines on the top. The floor was marble and it gave the place a rich homely feeling.

               I peered over Cole's shoulder and saw a man who had wavy brown hair, he was quite tall and had dark brown eyes, a slightly muscular build and he had high cheekbones and a good jaw line. He wore a grey top and jeans. Overall, he was pretty good looking but not as good looking as Cole. Wait, what? I shook my head and moved myself away from Cole's back.

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