Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 [edited]

            My hands were shaking and I couldn't stop the tears that constantly feel from my eyes as I sat outside the hospital room. I put my head in my hands and ran my fingers through the front of my hair and my legs were shaking as well. I had no control over my body and emotions. I hadn't felt like this since Dad's death. I hated this feeling, this weak feeling and not knowing what's to happen next.

          What if I get the same news like I did with my Dad? That made a couple more tears spill from my eyes. What if I found out that Cole had died, that the wound was too deep? We were currently in a hospital in California. To figure out what exactly happened Uncle Kevin had to be at his base which is close to him in California. Instead of taking the car Cole was taken to hospital in a helicopter ambulance to get here quicker and we travelled to California whilst driving with the sirens.

            Uncle Kevin was currently doing something somewhere but I didn't care about anything else all I cared about was what's happening with Cole. The Doctor's and nurses have been in there for quite a while. No one had come in and no one had gone out. The anticipation was killing me.

        "Melissa," A familiar female voice called. Olivia. She saw the state that I was in and rushed over to hug me and I hugged her back , her brown hair was in it's usual loose style, she wore a simple top with jeans and her brown eyes were filled with concern. "I heard what happened. I don't get why you're so upset but something must have happened between the two of you and I'm not going to question it... now," I smiled at her weakly.  "It's okay, they're really good doctors." I nodded and she sat besides me comforting me.

"I've missed you," I told her in a hoarse voice.

            "I missed you too. When you didn't turn up at my house, I went to Kevin's and there was many police officers there and when I found out what happened I got worried and I cried and I waited. I waited for you to come back."

"I'm back,"

           "In a crap state, no offence." I smiled at that. Olivia had lightened up the mood slightly as we waited for the update on Cole.

               It had been an hour and there was no news, what is taking so damn long? "Melissa," Kevin called and sat besides me, "how are you feeling?"

"Like crap,"

             He nodded, "Well when you feel better you need to tell me everything that happened, you can start off with what happened with you and Kennedy." I sighed and nodded, "It wasn't a member of our team that shot him"

"What?" I asked and Olivia stood.

"Someone else shot him?" Olivia asked.

               And Uncle Kevin nodded, "Yes, we got a bullet back and it wasn't our teams one. It was different bullet and we don't know who shot him--"

"It was The Scorpions," I told them absent-mindedly.

"The who?" Olivia asked.

"The Scorpions, they're- they're a gang that Cole used to be a part of they shot him."

"Why?" Uncle Kevin asked.

              "I don't know, they were after us and they wanted me and him and I don't know why, there was something about some leader called Derek"

"Do you know anything else?"

"Not that I remember all I can think of is what's happening in the surgery,"

Uncle Kevin nodded, "It'll be okay, they're trying their best. What happened to your arm?"

             I looked down at my bandaged arm, "um, a bullet wound. One of The Scorpions member shot me in the arm."

"Is the bullet still in there?"

"No, Cole took it out."

"Maybe you should get it checked out," Olivia told me, "just to make sure your wound is okay"

"No its-"

                 "I think you should," Kevin agreed, "Olivia please take her to the room down the corridor to get her arm checked out." Olivia nodded and we walked to the room down the corridor. I walked into a white room, which has a desk at the side with a computer, two chairs next to that and a small check up bed on the side pushed against the wall. A Doctor was sat on the desk and he looked up at us.

"Hello," he greeted me, "I'm Doctor Andrews"

"Melissa," I told him.

              "Ah, yes your uncle told me you might come by here." He then looked at my wrapped hand "Let's take a look at your wound shall we?" I felt like a child they way he was talking to me, it was patronizing but comforting. I nodded and sat up on the check up bed with Olivia besides me.

               Doctor Andrews had wrapped up my wound properly and put a few stitches in, he told me it was already healing so I didn't have much to worry about. I just had to keep a bandage on for a week and change it everyday so my wound doesn't get infected. Doctor Andrews told us that there was some press outside to question me about my 'kidnapping'  and I should be careful with my wound when I leave. After I had gotten it wrapped up properly, I thanked the Doctor and me and Olivia walked back to our seats which we were sitting in before.

               I saw the Doctor talking to Uncle Kevin and I suddenly felt nervous. Uncle Kevin nodded at something that the Doctor said and I approached them slowly. The Doctor looked at me and shot me a small smile, they shot me that small smile when I found out my Dad had died. I had to ask I couldn't assume but for some reason the words wouldn't leave my mouth. Olivia looked over at me, "How is he?" She asked for me and I smiled at her. 

         "He's..." The Doctor answered."He's fine." It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, "well not fine because he was shot but he's alive. We took the bullets out and cleaned his wounds, we just took him to a small room, room 32 in the east wing. He should wake up any minute now."

"Can I see him?" I asked.

COLE IS FINE! Now all is right with the world ha ha, who thought that this was the end? I'm going to another wedding tomorrow and school starts on Tuesday so bear in mind updates may be later than usual.

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