Ch- 1

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Staring into the blinding blue of the sky till the last rays of the sun had disappeared into the horizon- was her favourite thing to do when there was no work. "What about your training?" Her family asked. "I'll do it later on." She replied.

Once, when her mother was with her, brushing her hair, she asked. "Mother, why do I look different, compared to my brothers?" Her mother looked a bit shocked.
"Because," Her mother replied. "You are a girl."
"What about my name?"
"Your name was given by another family, my old 'friend'."
"I think my name sounds wierd- 'Xernia'."
"It isn't, my dear," her mother continued brushing. "It isn't wierd at all."
"Hm," the girl replied. Her mother looked at the reflection of her daughter in the mirror. 'Beautiful,' Her mother thought. 'So is her mother.'
Then a person came in, slamming open the door and into the room with dark blue flower designed wallpaper. "Xernia- I am here!"

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