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"What are you doing here, brother?" The girl asked. He took a step forward, and said, "I was just wondering if you have any chocolates..." "So you finished your ones again?" She then got up and walked over to the bedside table. "Maybe I have some here," she muttered as she put her hand in the drawer. Her brother stared in hope that his sister would give him some chocolates. "Nah." She said as she pulled out her hand. "I don't have any chocolates left."

"Oh..." her brother pouted.
"I'll be going now," her mother said and walked out of the room. But he stood there- until he was sure that Kikyo had gone far enough.

"Xernia..." he started. "I have to tell you something.."
"What is it killua?"
"I was thinking of leaving..."
"Oh wow! I'll come too!"
"Really? Then we can leave when father is not at home."
"Maybe- no, not maybe, of course!" He yelled and ran out of the room with his sister on his tail.

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