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"You're not going like that, right?" Killua asked me, pointing to my skirt. I looked down. "Of course not." I said and ran off into the bushes nearby. I quickly stripped off my skirt, and came back.

"Where'd you throw your skirt?" Killua sweat-dropped. "Where did you get that?" I grinned at him. "I was wearing this from the start. You didn't notice? It's okay..." I patted his head. "Stop it..." he mumbled, grabbing my hand. "It's embarrassing -in front of all these people..." I looked at the city we were in.
"What about your coat?" He asked. "It's am keeping it. Btw, the weather is not too hot." I replied and continued walking with Wednesday on my shoulder. Then it muttered something...


I suddenly felt cold and dizzy. I stumbled and fell. "Are you okay, Xernia?!" Killua asked, worried. He knelt down beside me. But I didn't react. My body couldn't move. I passed out.

Killua's p.o.v:

I knelt down beside her. I was worried. "Are you okay, Xernia?!" I asked her. She didn't reply. She passed out.

Then suddenly, she got up and stretched. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah..." She replied, grinning. "Long time no meet, sister!" I
sweat-dropped. "'Sister'?" I asked. "And it hasn't been a long time since we met..." I pointed out.

"Huh?" She looked at me. "Sis, you tired? I'll carry you!" Then she picked me up- that too, bridal style... I blushed.

"Hey! PUT ME DOWN!!" I screamed and started trying to break free from her grip. But she was too strong. Guess it's the result of the

"PUT ME DOWN!! PUT ME DOWN!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!!!" I screamed again. "This is embarrassing... " I said and sighed in defeat.

'Damn her strength...'

Sister "Wednesday"Where stories live. Discover now