Chapter 1

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I sighed heavily with relief. It was finally the weekend and I was ready to have some fun.

I climbed out of bed and stretched, wondering about the crazy adventures my friends planned for this weekend. Usually there was six or eight of us who got together every friday night and chose whose house to stay at and have fun. This time it was my house. I was excited for I spent most the night dreaming up ways to embarrass my friends with their alcohol.

A wild weekend with Monday hangovers? I'm the queen of that shit!

After a hot shower, I organised the house by moving furniture out of the way and dragging a heavy king mattress out of the shed. Adrian was in charge of buying the alcohol even though he'll be using his own personal stash he hides from his family. We'd use mine but he has all the good strong stuff. Jo would bring the junk food from her work and Ivan and the rest would chip in for anything else over the weekend. Jo and myself had the least paying jobs but no one minded so we didn't.

I plopped down onto my lounge when my phone started ringing. I ignored it, hoping they wouldn't call back as I didn't want to get up. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I groaned. Can't they leave me alone?

I answered the door with an exasperated glare before really seeing who it was.

I squealed and jumped into his,arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. 'Zory!'

He chuckled. 'Hey little sis. Did you miss me?'

I kissed his cheek. 'How could I not miss my only brother? How's mama and father?'

Zory is 22, and four years older than me. We moved out of our parent's house in Russia because we needed a change. After our sister died in Sydney, we visited for her funeral and fell in love with the city. We are working on getting mama and father here but we visit them in Novosibirsk when we can and Zory had been there for seven months.

While Zory looks like dad, I look like our grand mother. Im not saying I look old because I dont, but in the old sepia photos mama showed us of babushka, I could have passed for her twin. I have long, black curly hair, tanned skin and brown eyes. I'm taller than mama and babushka but Im thin and curvy. Zory has dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He towers over my five foot seven frame and is nearly six foot five but he is more muscular than father who is taller. My whole family are really close, but Zory and myself are more like best friends. He's over protective but we get along really well despite big differences and we have the same friends.

'Tatyana, get off me. You're too heavy!' Zory groaned as I let go of him and smacked his arm.

'You dick! Im not fat!' I feigned being hurt.

He laughed. 'If anything, you're too thin. Look at this.' He pinched my stomach. 'There's no fat. Mama would be disappointed.'

'Mama knows I gotta stay thin for work.' I worked at a bar that our sister's boyfriend owns. Its an upper class bar with high tipping customers and rarely anyone sleazy.

'I know sis. Just teasing. You look really good though, your hair is longer and you're taller.' He ruffled my hair.

'It's been seven months. Im not going to stay short forever you know? One day you will shrink.'

Zory raised an eyebrow and walked into the house and that was when I noticed him. He stood outside quietly, hands in his pockets and messy hair in front of his eyes. I smiled and went over to him.

'Hi, Im Tatyana.' I held out my hand.

He hesitated but shook it. 'Im Luka. You're really pretty.' He said, shyly.

I blushed. 'Thankyou. Would you like to come in? You need to sit on the floor as I have friends coming over in a few hours.' I ranted, taking him inside.

'Zory! Just because we are away from mama it doesn't mean you can't be polite and introduce me to your friend.' I called out to him, finding him in the kitchen.

Zory bit into a sandwich. 'Tat, meet Luka. Luka meet Tat, my little, annoying, pain in the ass sister.'

Luka laughed and as he did, I noticed his smile. It made him light up, softening his shy features. Shit he has a gorgeous smile. His eyes crinkled in the corners. His black hair set off striking blue eyes and his cheeks had a few scattered freckles. He was as tall as Zory, and just as muscular but not tanned. He was a natural pale. And God did he look sexy in his skinny jeans and black hoodie.

'Tat, close your mouth or you'll catch flies.' Zory smirked at me and I blushed again. What the hell is wrong with me? I never blush!

'It's alright Zory. What girl wouldn't look at this?' Luka joked pointing at himself. I giggled and Zory threw a napkin at him.

'You are so full of yourself, dude.'

Well, a joker with sexy blue eyes? Oh yes please!

I rolled my eyes at them and sat on the floor, holding the remote for cable tv.

'So how long are you both staying for?' I called back to them. I heard Zory walk over to me. 'Not sure. Luka wants to stay in Sydney, but he's going to stay with us for a bit. And mama wants to visit Ascha's grave before mid year.' I grimaced at Ascha's name being said. When our sister was a baby she couldnt say Natascha, so she learnt to say Ascha instead.

'Its ok, Tat. Im sure Ascha's happy where she is.' Zory put his arm around my shoulders, comforting me after noticing my grimace.

'I know, Zor. I just wish it wasn't her. I should have been there to protect her. I swore to them that I would, that I would protect our little sister..' I trailed off, shooting a look at Zory as if to ask if Luka knows. Zory slightly shook his head. No.

We sat in silence for a bit, until I heard the toilet flush and realized Luka must've used it.

'What time are your friends coming, sis?' Zory stood up, fetching his phone from his pocket to show me the time.

'Oh shit! Any minute now. I gotta get ready. If they come, tell them I'll be out soon.' I dashed into my room, rifling through my make up and clothes. I found my red mid thigh dress that had a plunging neckline and cut outs on my stomach and sides. I found my diamond shaped red belly button bar and replaced my other one with it. I brushed my hair out, placed a red bow amongst the curls and carefully did my eyelids grey and black with a brownish-red eyeliner. Clear lipgloss was already in my bag and I put my 3 inch, black wedge heels on. A spray of perfume and I was walking into the loungeroom.

As everyone had arrived, their heads turned and gazed at me and I saw the one person I didn't want to ever see again.

Oh this was going to be a fun night. Not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2013 ⏰

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