Chapter 4: A Trippin Ass KeKe

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KeKe need to stop playing then games like she wanted to say no. But I like when she get irritated. It turn a nigga on. And we going to see a scary movie she gone be all in a nigga lap. Let me get back to this church though before I miss communion.

Now I know what kind of dude Tyriek is. He be trying to play with bitches emotions. It's all good he ain't gonna have the satisfaction of seeing me fall for him. When communion started a lot of people left and the preacher told people to move up to make it easier for the ushers. I moved to the middle section in the back row and guess who decided to come and sit next to me.... Tyriek!

Damn, I felt all the tension coming from her. She could feel me staring at her. Tonight may get a lil interesting.

After Church
Dion's mom took Keisha and Dion to go pick up Keanna. Keanna already had her outfit and stuff ready for movie night, but she wouldn't let anybody see it until later. Then she took Keisha to go get her some clothes and she did the same.

Back At Dion's (Keisha)
I gave Tyriek the address to Dion's house so he knew where to get us from. Surprisingly, momma Dion ain't ask no questions. But she has to work tonight so she didn't really care. After I had thought about it, they knew Tyriek was gone ask me to the movies all along.

"So when was yall gone tell me Tyriek was gone ask me to the movies?"

"Girl I didn't know that they was his homeboys." Keanna said.

"Well we got all day it's only 1, KeKe can you make us some breakfast?" Dion said.

I swear these heffas be actin like they some lil ass kids but they my best friends.

While I was cooking I was tryna figure out Tyriek like cause he known around the school to not be in that cuffing shit. I made my girls and momma Dion some fish and grits with some scrambled eggs, homemade potatoes, some bacon and some sausage links.

When I smelled that food, I know KeKe done outdid herself this time. She took it back to the south on yo ass. I was sitting at the table with Dion waiting on KeKe to get back. We always had this tradition where we never eat without each other if one of us cooks. She had took momma Dion her plate. KeKe got a heart of gold, if Tyriek do some shit I swear I'm gone electrocute his dick off with some jumper cables.

I was sitting there thinking about how KeKe was acting. She better chill the hell down with that tonight. But I ain't worried she can handle herself. Shit I was just ready to dig into this food she done cooked.

Her slow ass finally came out the room, she must've been talking to my momma. But we started eating and got to talking.

"KeKe, you gotta chill out man. We can't have you trippin out tonight. We all tryna get some dick. Where are we going after we leave the movies?"

"I know girl I need to chill but I don't know prolly his house cause his momma and daddy gone for the rest of the week." Keisha said.

"Yaaaasssss, wait what are we going to see?" Keanna said.

"Sinister 2." Keisha and I said in unison.

"Oh hell nah, yall know how I feel about scary movies and shit." Keanna said.

"It's all good all you gotta do is use Tyriek homeboy as your "protector". What's they names anyway?" KeKe said as she laughed.

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