Chapter 16: Teasers and Temptation Pt. 1

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Since these niggas ain't tell us where we were going. I decided to get a lil classy for the occasion. After I got out of the shower, I wore my all white fitted dress that stopped mid-thigh. It was off the shoulder and showed a little bit of cleavage. It also had lace going down the sides, so you could see my curves. When I put on my all white red bottoms, I slid on some gold accessories and put on my Nicki Minaj perfume. Tonight was going to be a night full of pleasing. Sike! Tyriek wild as all fuck if he think he getting a stitch of pussy tonight.

Dion and KeKe done dressed all extra classy and shit. I'm about to dress simple. Tonight I felt like wearing red so, I picked out my all red romper. It was strapless and it was short, but not too short. I had some beige wedges to wear with them and put on some gold earrings and my gold watch and left it at that.

The way Keisha Shantae was lookin, had me wanting to get her ass pregnant. But we decided to take the girls out to Benihana. We all wanted to show them that we could get all classy and shit too. Besides going to the movies, we could go somewhere nice and stuff. Yeah we only in high school, but we high schoolers with money and know how to save and use it. It was 6 of us so we knew the bill was gone be over $100 but me Tyrone and Trap got this tonight.

By the time everyone was ready, it was 9 o'clock and we had to rush out of the door. Thank god Benihana was only 10 minutes away from the house. We rushed in Tyrone's escalade and sped off to the restaurant. When we finally got there, it was like we all walked in slow motion. People just stared and stared. But I didn't care, I was ready to eat.

I can't believe they brought us to Benihana! I'm sorry but living in an area surrounded by nothing but corner stores and honey buns, this is upscale for me and KeKe. Shit I looked at Keisha and she was just as flabbergasted as I was. We ain't know what to do. Keanna on the other hand was all into Travis ass to be paying attention to where we was.

When we finally sat down, the boys went into the bathroom. I swear they worse than us. But since we were still waiting on our chef, we might as well talk a bit.

"So Keisha, what happened in that car that had you cheesing when you came in the house?" I laughed.

"Girl, not shit what the hell you mean?!"

"Ooh, I knew he did something to have that evil ass smirk on your face." Keanna said.

"Well what the hell he do than cause Keanna look like she already figured it out?"

"Dion that nigga teased me! He started kissing on me and rubbing on me and shit. Then all of a sudden, he says I needed to learn a lesson and he left my black ass hot and bothered!"

"Girl lower yo voice."

"My bad Keanna, but yeah so now I'm finna give him somethin to tease me about tonight. Since he wanna play them games and shit."


We was all in the restroom getting ourselves together. I promise we was worse than our females. We was already high maintenance and they just made it worse by filling our high expectations. But I was trying to get some info from Tyriek about what went down with him and stuff in that car though.

"So bruh, what the hell you done did to make KeKe cheese like that."

"Yo Trap, I teased the shit outta here ass bruh."

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