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Taylor's POV

Im walking to my locker when all of a sudden i see abigail! My best friend i met last year in 9th grade. We meet up and have a little convorsation.
Tay- "hey abi!!"
Abigail-"taylor! Do you know any of your classes yet?"
Tay- "yeah! I have English first hour, what do you have?"
Abigail- "i have all the same classes!!!!"
Tay-"yay! Well i better go get my books before i run out of time."

Im walking to my locker and grab my books. A few minutes later I'm walking away when "plastics" the rudest, meanest, most popular girls in our school, they get all the guys. Come and slam all of my books to the ground, laugh and Jessica, the leader of their cliche laughs and calls me a loser.

Abigail runs up to me and helps me up. We get to class and Mrs. Denny gives us a First Day quiz, to see what we remember from last year.

Its already last hour, when an announcement comes over the school intercom. "Hello Hendersonville High Students! I hope you guys had a great summer. Don't be late to class and go get those good grades!" The principle said in a high pitched girly voice.

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