Chapter Four: The Bet

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"God, I'm starving!" Olivia was stressing out because she had a suspension for the next three days. Couldn't believe it. She had to call the teacher a skank and leave me here with all the other losers.

"Well, we'll just go to the cafeteria." I said.

"Yeah, but I don't have any mone-e-ey!" She complained. I sighed.

"I'll give you some money - just stop whining." I reached into my leather jacket's pocket and got out three dollars. "Here." I was left with seven dollars.

"Thank you so much, L!" Olivia gave me a massive hug. Jeez, it's just three bucks!

As we went to the canteen, we passed Erity Cai helping her friend who seemed to have a pretty serious wedgy.

"Dork alert." Luke whispered in my ear behind me.

"JESUS CHRIST!" I almost screamed, dropping my tray. Everyone in the cafeteria craned their heads in our directions. I didn't care, of course because of how pissed off I was at Luke. He had five dollars in his hand. I found that strange since his mom had been giving him packed lunches since kindergarten.

"What happened, Luke?" I said, picking up my tray. He grinned.

"I gave Miles Francis a wedgy and 'borrowed' his lunch money." He chortled.

I gave him the death glare. "That was you?" I face-palmed and grabbed the five dollars.

"Hey what are you doing?" Luke complained. "Sorry, man. This cash has an owner." I said with a smirk.

Walking over to the geeks, Erity - the girl - twisted her head around and narrowed her eyes. "Come to take the piss out of Miles? Go and take the piss out of your slutty face!"

I didn't get hurt by her remark. I understand how nerds feel about us girls; whores, bitches and hate everyone. All untrue, but I knew that that was how they feel.

"Chill out Erity." I turned my head to Miles. "Actually, I wanted to give you back your money. Sorry about Luke - he's a jerk at times."

"Heard that!" Luke yelled in an expressionless tone, stealing a handful of Olivia's chips.

Miles blushed and purposely didn't give me direct eye contact.

"Hey.. I don't bite.." I murmured reassuringly. Crouching down, I slipped the money into his trembling hand. Erity seemed to think I was flirting with him and she went all bonkers.

"Yeah we get it, Cruella. Now leave him alone."

I shrugged and walked off. "Nice talking to you." I said sarcastically.

Heading back to my real friends, Luke deliberately put his feet up on my seat. I decided to go all Sheldon Cooper on this.

"Penny, you're in my spot." I shoved his feet out of the way - because I'm stronger than him, believe it ot not  - and then sat down.

"Have a nice chat with your boyfriend?" Luke joked. "Yes actually." I rolled my eyes. Luke thought for a moment and then grinned. "Oh God, don't start. What is it?" I sighed.

"I have an idea. You should make them popular nutjobs." Luke gave us his cheeky smile.

Olivia rolled eyes. "Luke, they're already nutjobs. And they're already popular - everyone knows you bully them."

Luke half scoffed, half grunted - one of his vices which I hated. "Come on, you know what I mean. Make them awesome kids - make them live a little."

I didn't think it was a bad idea. But what was in it for me? Yeah, no way.

"I'll do it." I shrugged. Before Luke could look too excited, I said something else. "If I do it, they have to hang out with us without you giving them shit." Luke huffed but didn't take long to agree. He nodded and pushed back his hair.

"Fine. But if you don't do it... You have to hook up with Miles by any means necessary." 

I groaned, rolled my eyes and shook his hand. I wasn't gonna lose anyways.




Sorry that the chapter is so short, that it took forever to get up and that it's not very well written, but I've been procastinating a lot so I just ended up not doing the chapter until now. And I thought I wanted to get on with it (sorta), so yeah.... Sorry again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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