Chapter Two: Party Time

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Boy, it was great having my own bathroom. No more embarassing moments where my dad walks in by accident. Also, my room had a lock - so no one could walk in whilst I would be changing. It was girl paradise in here and it was all mine.

I unlocked my iPhone and called up Olivia. The gal pal I would call up in any situation - good and bad, from frizzy hair to broken hearts, from broken nails to a disgusting flavoured jelly bean - anything!

Olivia picked up after only two rings, and instantly said: "So how's the new house?"

"Oh my God, Olivia! It's so cool! You gotta see it!" I cried.

"I will - say tomorrow? Because listen, Lauren - there is a killer party tonight at Luke's!"

This interested me. Luke was like the guy friend of all girls. He was a player - but neither me nor Olivia had been his target. But I trusted Olivia - she had good taste in parties. I grinned and brushed back a lock of my hair.

"Girl, I'm there! Do you want a lift? I got a new Jag." I said cooly.

"Oh my God, what?! Honest to blog?"

"Yep. It's so awesome Liv, you're gonna love it!" I grinned and kicked back onto my bean bag.

"Well, hell yeah! So where are we on you picking me up?"

"Well, the parties are normally around seven-thirty - so I can pick you up around quarter past, yeah?"

After we agreed on the time and location, I hung up and scurried to my wardrobe. I pulled out a random combination of clothes and got changed.

I was just slipping my blue Converse on, when I heard my brother's piano skills through the wall. He was still here? The music he was playing was beautiful. This time, it was something I'd never heard him play before. It was peaceful - soothing. I'd finished tying my laces, so I walked into Rob's room.

He looked so casual - yet still concentrated. He played the piano, his fingers pressing the keys so smoothly.

"This is nice. Who's is it?" I asked.

He just shrugged and kept playing, not looking at me.

"Did you make this?" I questioned in amazement. I saw manuscript in front of him with pencil-written music, some notes crossed out. He nodded, still playing the piano like an expert.

I smiled and kissed him on the head.

"See you next week."

"B-Bye Lauren."

My brother had always had a stutter. It was something anyone would get used to. I closed the door after me and ran down the stairs.

"Dad?" I called, my voice making an echo.

"I'm in my study!" He yelled.

Still not knowing my way around the house, I just followed his voice.

"Dad, I'm going to a party at Luke's." I said.

He was reading a book on performing arts in his favourite armchair. Cardboard boxes surrounded him in the study.

"Ah, this is where you've been keeping all the unpacked boxes.." I murmured.

He nodded and put a bookmark in his book. Putting down the book on his lap, he looked at me.

"Party? Lauren, we haven't seen each other in a week."

"I know, Dad. I love parties though. I haven't gone partying since you and Mom broke up. And we can have all week together - and you're going to drop of Rob in a bit, so you're not going to see me for like half an hour anyway."

"Lauren, you and I both know that you're going to be 'partying' a lot this week. You've been 'partying' pretty much everyday ever since you began junior high. Listen - I just want you to get that since me and your Mom broke up, you're going to have to realise that your parents want to spend time with you--"

"For God's sake, Dad. Stop being sorry for yourself! You're just upset because Mom left you face down in the dirt, and you want a shoulder to cry on. Look - I have had my talks with Mom about the divorce. No matter how hard I'd try to not talk about it, she'd keep bringing it up. And I know you're gonna do the same, so I want to get out and not have the divorce thrown in my face where ever I go."

My father was used to getting a big talk from me. And he'd always let me say whatever I had to say, and then go for his response. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Dad, I know that you and Mom are 'supposed' to have ended on 'great terms'. But I know that's not true! You can't stand the sight of her! You see her, and give her the coldest look ever. Can't you just except that she fell in love with someone else? Must you really be so mad at her?" I began to cry acid tears. I guess I probably looked like a mascara zombie.

"Dad, it's not her fault."

"I know it's not, sweetie. I'm not mad at her either." He stood up and gave me a hug. "I still love her too much to be mad at her. I let her go because I knew she would have been happier with your future step-father then she ever would have been with me." He kissed the top of my head and whispered in my ear; "Go to the party, hun."


A/N: So, you guys, I'm sorry the chapters are so short - I am just the laziest teenager in the universe. 

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