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I woke up. I didnt know if it was morning or night. There was no window in my cell. My stomach growled painfully. I hadnt eaten in atleast 1 day. I lay on my back on the cold floor. I crossed my arms, shivering. I felt faint. I needed food.

The cell door burst open, and I saw my kidnapper. He was dark skinned, with a piercing in his left ear. He was muscular and big. There was no chance I could ever take him on without being killed.

He put a plate on the floor. On it, was 2 pieces of toast. He put a glass of water on the floor too. I scoffed it down greedily.

"Today you'll be practisin' what to do when your at the auction. Your gonna be in your underwear, and the highest bidder gets to keep you," Anger rose inside of me.

"Im not just some doll you can sell!" I screamed. He glared.

"Your not in the fucking position to tell me what the hell to do. Il be back in a minute. Ima go get your 'costume'" He left the cell and slammed it shut. I didnt hear the click that meant he locked it. A wave of hope ran through me as I stood up slowly and walked to the door. My aching muscles might slow me down, but I will get away.

I wavered for a moment. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I took a step out.

It was cold in the passage way. I didnt know where I was going, I didnt even know where I am. I went up the stairs and saw the front door. I was on the last step. I was almost out. The step creaked loudly. I gasped, un-able to control the sound of my breathing. I took a big chunk of my dark blonde hair and bit on it, to make sure he couldnt hear my breathing. I took little silent steps to the front door. I didnt see the step that takes you up before your at the front door. I stumble and fell. I crashed onto the floor, my head ringing.

I panicked. I glanced back to see he wasnt there. I stood up and out of no-where his fist punched my back. I fell and bashed my head on the wall. My head was ringing, but it didnt stop my screams for help. His hand went over my mouth to muffle the sound. He dragged me to the end of the hall, kicking and screaming. He threw me down the flight of stairs in anger. I hit the bottom.

"Oh please. Let this be the end," I thought. I lay still, not moving. I heard him cuss. he ran down the stairs and dragged me to stand up. He shoved me into my cell and stepped inside it too, shutting the door behind him. He just stood there, with his fists clenched. His face was red with fury. He breathed in.

"I wont hurt you now, only because I need you without too many cuts for the auction. But I swear, if you do that again, there will be no-one to stop me from killing you. If I practise the auction with you now, I will probably end up killing you. We will carry on tomorrow," He said to me, his voice low. He left the room, double checking it was locked.

I sobbed into my hands and cried for what seemed like hours.

A soft voice spoke, "Stay strong, my love,"

I gasped and looked around. I must be going mad. I felt like I recognised that voice somewhere before. I sighed and sat up against the wall. At that moment, I lost all the hope that was left inside of me.


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