t w e n t y

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1. 9k views and more than 100 votes! I am probably the happiest person in the world. Thanks to everyone who has voted and commented and I love you all so so so so much!!!

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Groaning inwardly, I plopped myself into a chair by the kitchen table. There was barely any food for me to take with me for you know, when I run away. Tomorrow morning is when they normally go shopping, but by then I would hopefully be long gone.

"Il try and grab some food from somewhere and give it to you when we meet at the Lake," Jake informed me, sitting down oppisite from me,"What time again?

"2 in the morning. I don't want to go any later then that,"

"Il be there at 1:30," He smiled, dimpled flashing. He was finally being like the brother he was always meant to be. I looked down, trying to hide the stupid grin that creeped up upon my face. Someone had my back. Someone was helping me out. It was good feeling.

I felt a lot more confident today. I took a shower for almost a hour. Carmella and Micheal couldn't stop me because they have no control over me anymore. To be honest, if they said something threatening towards me I would still be terrified, but they don't know that and I used it to my advantage. They probably thought the all powerful and white wolf had a lot more skill and power than them, which is why they stay away from me, to not irritate or anger me.

Oh, how wrong they are.

I don't understand why them, this pack, why anyone in the world is against white wolves. Perhaps they feel threatened, or they are jealous. They might even be purely evil and don't want the white wolf getting in the way.

I had packed some water, food and clothes. All of this would run out soon, even with Jake supplying me with more later. I don't know where I'm going either. I just know I'm heading somewhere far, far away from this place.


As I looked back into my room, I bidded a silent farewell, as this room was my only protection. This room was the only thing keeping me safe from the rath of parents. I had multiple hiding places to stop them from finding me at the worst times.


I ran upstairs as fast and as silently as I could, closing the door behind me with gentleness, though what I was feeling at that moment was beyond gentle. The opposite of it. I glanced around the room as quick as my eyes could possibly go, searching for a hiding spot where they will be sure not to find me.

I tiptoed over toward the left hand side of my bed, taking care not to step on the floor boards that squeak. I felt around on the floor with my hands to find the floorboards I had discovered years ago.

Sighing with relief as I came across it, I lifted the 3 floor boards up and squeezed myself into the small space. Once I was in the floor, I pulled the floor boards back over my head.

I let out a little cough. The dust below was awful, not to mention all the insects that may live here. I had a strong phobia of spiders. I couldn't help it. You may think it's funny, a big bad soon to be werewolf afraid of little insects that should be afraid of me, not the over way round.

My breath hitched as I heard loud footsteps enter my room, but I closed my eyes and tried to breath normally so a loud gasp of air wouldn't give away my hiding spot. This was just like hide and seek, except if they found me I would be tortured in the basement.

How I hated that bloody basement.

"Ava, my darling, come out. I know your in here somewhere," A fake sweet voice said to me. I could almost imagine the dirty look on Carmella face as she said those words. I wanted to scream. Shout. Attack her. Put her through everything she put me through and worse, but I knew I couldn't.

I heard her foot steps slowly coming near me. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to forget I was there. It didnt work. Finally I heard a huff of impatience and heavy footsteps going quieter and quieter as they made there way out of my room. I let out out a strangled breathe I didnt know I was holding. After what seemed like hours I lifted the floor boards back up, thinking of an explanation about where I went.


I slowly waited as the clock ticked by.


Biting my nails I looked up at the doorway to see if anyone was there. If anyone could see me. No one was there. Carmella and Micheal were out. God knows where. It's why I chose today to run away. A perfect plan.


Six more minutes.

Oh forget it. I grabbed my back back full of supplies and got to the front door. Opening it slowly, I glanced around to see if anyone was there. Again, no one was. A few people hanging about but nothing different from usual. I silently crept into the woods and made my way to the lake.

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Votes- 10

Views- 30

Reach up to ^^ and I will update the next chapter straight away, Check out the cast list so far. I just did it yesterday haha. I have decided not to do the goal thing for every chapter, just the one I have recently updated. So if this reaches 30 views and 10 votes I will update. The next chapter may be the last, maybe not.


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