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(I wrote this chapter while listening to 'The Girl Who Cried Wolf' by 5sos, so yeah put if if you want to, now enjoy!)

For the past 30 minutes Athena's been sitting in a couch, looking through the window where the moonlight is the only source of light outside. Her mind couldn't calm down for a slight second just going 'round and 'round in thoughts to find a possible answer to this tragic situation.

Her life has been pretty awesome, her parents were a millionaire couple, she's had a very 'decent' life, she had all she wanted though Athena wasn't the type of girl to go around showing off everything she got but the only thing she wanted at that exact moment were answers, unfortunately, she couldn't get them. Her phone was dead, she had no other way out. She was scared to put a foot outside the room, scared that her life would end in a split second just by risking it.

Athena wanted to ask Luke to lend her his phone charger, but the guy wouldn't come out of the bathroom, he's been there ever since she got here, he was on the phone, beside she barely knew him and she wouldn't be bugging him, so she had no other choice than just...wait. Sighing loudly and pulling her hair up in a ponytail, she then decided to compose herself on the couch to get some sleep. That couch was not comfortable at all.

Minutes after tossing and turning, she gave up on resting, she grabbed a cushion and held it tight to her chest. Were her parents still alive? Was everything going to be alright? How did her family managed to get into this big and horrible situation? Her mind just wouldn't leave her alone. Tears were freely rolling down her cheeks, her head was pounding, she rubbed her temples softly. She needed some Advil's, or anything else, but she needed to control that headache, or else she would be dead by the morning with all the panic and fear she had inside.

She was hesitating whether go and knock on the bathroom door and ask him to get her some pills and borrow his phone charger or just stay put and wait for who knows how long until he was done talking to whoever it was on the phone. She quickly shot up off the couch, losing balance a little due to the massive headache and seconds later she stood in front of the door with her fist raise, ready to knock, until she heard the argument that was going on behind it.

"Ruby, Ru-Ruby, let me talk okay." Luke snapped at the person on the other line, who Athena guessed was a girl.

"You know, I care a lot about you, but every single time you call me all you do is complain about everything, I wish I could help you right now, yeah but really that's why I'm not home, all I do is help people, listen to them but they never do. I need space and to take some time for myself and problems, like I have my issues too, but do you ever listen to me Ruby? Do you?" He stopped, took a breath before continuing. "I always listen to you, but you never let me open, talk out of my own, Ruby." He sighed "You know what? Let me just have some space a little okay, we'll figure this out later, bye." He hung up, Athena swiftly went back to sit on the couch cross-legged with the cushion on her lap, already feeling terrible for eavesdropping the private conversation Luke was having with someone that probably was his girlfriend, and for the fact that she came up here asking for help to a guy that only came to this motel to have a time alone and solve out his problems.

Shuffling and the sink's faucet being turned off was heard before the door was opened revealing a little upset Luke. Athena suddenly not wanted to ask Luke the favor, she felt really bad now.

"Hey" he said, putting on a fake smile.

"Hi" Athena tried to reply, only for it to come out as a whisper.

"How do you feel? You look...terrible." He admitted, while chuckling and taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

Athena smiled.

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