Chapter 2

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Gabriel's POV

So my first day sucked. Nobody talked to me. I always thought newcomers were in the middle of attention. I hate most human company , but seeing that someone even cared would be nice you know? But no one did. Why should they. I'm a weird, candy obsessed kid. I waited on the parkingplace for my mother to pick me up.

Cassie saw me waiting and came up to me. 'Didi you have a nice first day?' I looked at him sarcasticy. 'Yeah, it was awesome! Everyone talked to me!' Cas looked sad at me. 'It was horrible or not?' I gave him  a sag smile. 'Yeah, but it's okay you know? I can life with it.' Cassie looked at me a way only he can and is allowed to. 'I met a great persons today. One of them has a brother with your age. You should go talk to him tomorrow. I'll introduce you.' I knodded, but wasn't vey exited. 'Everything will be alright Gabe. Don't worry.'

Mom pulled over in front of us. We climbed in the backseat. 'How was your day?' She asked openly. 'It was alright. You know it's still school.' Cassie awnsered for us. I knodded to agree. So my mom drove and didn't ask further.

I looked out of the window and thought for the hundered time: Am I gay or not? I constaly wondered if I truly was. I didn't know how I whould know, I mean I never had a crush on anyone. I once did kiss a girl, but I don't know... It just felt wrong. Than again, I never liked a guy either. I just didn't know what or who I was. I wanted to tell my brother how I felt, I just didn't want to tell him the biggest lie ever, if I'm wrong.

'Gabe? You okay in there?' Cassie's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked at him. 'We're home.' I shook my head to snap out of my thoughts and to act normal. I stepped out of the car and looked at our still new home. I didn't see it as "home" yet. But it started to feel better and better the longer I was there. We all needed a new start.

Dan's POV

I walked back home from school. This always is the moment for me to think and listen to music. I took my phone out my pocket and picked Panic! At The Disco. I started walking home when Time to Dance came up, my favorite song of them. It was catchy and really good. So while I got into it, someone on the road stopped cycling next to me. I was to akward to look so I kept walking. Than the person said something I didn't hear because my music was to loud. I knew he said something because I heard someone mumble. So now I had to look to my left. I took out my earphone and saw Phil.

'Oh, hi Phil!' I really fucking liked this guy. He was nice and cute and hot af. 'Hi Dan! Why are you all on your one?' Why is  he even intrested? 'I like walking home alone, whilst listening to music.' Phil looked quitly now. 'I'm sorry do you wanna be alone?' I smiled becasue of his niceness. 'No, please keep walking with me if you don't mind.' Phil seemed happy by my offer.

'I'd love to! I have to go this way anyway.' We kept walking for a bit. 'So what music were you listening too?' I decided to just give a list of in my opinion the best artists. 'Well I was listening to a band called Panic! At The Disco when you came. But I love these other bands called My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and on top Muse.' Phil looked exited by my music choice.

'OMG do you really like Muse? Have you heard their new album yet? It's so good. And Fall Out Boy and Panic! and MCR... I love them as well.' This guy, is awesome. 'I have! I think their song "The Handler" was the best.' Phil agreed and we kept walking.

'I have to go this way now. See you tommorow?' I smiled while I anwsered. 'I do hope so!' He smiled back and got on his bike again. Than he dissapeared behind the corner. I put back my earphones and started playing "I Constantly Thank God For Esteban" That song was so good as well. I crossed the road and I was thinking again. Phil has such pretty eyes. They were blue, with a bit of yellow in it. His smile could already make a day better. Plus this guy Sam was really nice. Thanks to him I will have a good grade. And thanks to him I met Phil.

This day was just awesome.

Dean's POV

Cas and I shared a view more classes and one of them gave us homework where we needed each other for, so we agreed to meet each other in my house tomorrow. I walked to my car and Sam already was there waiting for me.

'So this Dan guy looks nice.' I said. But on the inside I was only happy Dan even lived. Sammy really needed a friend. 'He is.' I opened baby and Sam got in. I looked to school  a bit thinking about Cas. He was amazing and beautiful. He also was kind and polite and really cared.

I snapped out of my thoughts and got in the car. I put on Bon Jovi's best song ever. "Wanted Dead Or Alive." Sam kinda liked this one too. We once sang it together when we were... Well when we were about to go to this town.

We've lived here since Sammy was 12 and I was 15. So two years ago. My dad drove us here, after mom died and dropped us of by our Uncle Bobby. We have seen dad a view time since then, but not enough in my opinion. He's our dad. He's suppose to look after Sammy. I made that my job now.

I sang along to the words and Sammy smiled happily at me. Dan really was a good friend for him. Suddenly Sammy sang along too. I haven't hear him sing in a long time. When the song was over I pulled over by the garage Bobby had. We got out and I locked baby. Sammy opened the door of the house and we got in. It was a bit messy, but it was nice messy. There were books everywhere.

'Hi boys. Had a nice day?' Bobby asked when we got in the livingroom. 'Yeah I met a new friend called Castiel and Sammy made a friend.' 'He's called Dan.' Sam added. 'How did your test go?' Bobby asked to Sam. I loved Bobby so much because he actually gave a damn about us. While Sam anwersed I went to the fridge and made myself some cereal.

'Can I have some too?!' Sam yelled over at me. 'Yeah sure, coming up!' I cleaned another bowl and poored the cereal in it. I added the milk and gave it to Sammy. 'There you go.' I took  my bowl while Sam thanked me and went upstairs to make my homework. I already looked forward to the next day.

Sam's POV

After eating my cereal and making all my homework, I went upstairs to read. There's this one book serie that is so freaking good. It's called Percy Jackson. And than there was a second serie which was the next part of the serie and that was called Heroes of Olympus.

I was stuck in the fourth book, because everything that happened. I discovered I was bi after my mom died in a fire and dad dropped us of here. I loved it here though but I just couldn't read it anymore. I liked heavy stuff now. So because I was really happy again today, I tried. But I just couldn't. I still think it's because of mom. I haven't been really happy since she died. I mean I smiled and laughed, but I wouldn't call it happy.

Because I couldn't get myself to read I knocked on Dean's door to watch a movie. He was still working on his homework so he couldn't. I went back to my room and started my laptop to watch some Netflix.

I was watching this awesome TV-Show called Doctor Who. I just finished season 1. I really liked the 9th Doctor, but he was gone now. I still had to get used to the new guy. I mean he was handsome af, and his hair was awesome. But still.

When I watched the episode "The Girl In The Fireplace" I cried and was in love with the new Doctor. It was late so I went downstairs to see if I could help Bobby cooking. He gladly accepted my offer and I made the beef. I made it the way Dean likes it the most. With a lot of salt and pepper and unions. When I was done I washed of some plates and knives and sporks so we could eat and put them on the table.

I called for Dean and he came. 'You know Sammy, I'm done with my homework. We can watch Avengers, Age Of Ultron now.' I smiled exidedly and we ate. I loved this day so much. I was looking forward to the next one.

Hi. So that was the next chapter. I hope you guys like it. I'll try to keep it updated a lot. If you have any tips or something say it! Thanks for taking the time to read this. See you soon! Btw I'm sorry for my bad English.

Highschool AU Phan and DestielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant