Chapter 28

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Dedication: omg_lashton thank you (:

I typed a lot of this chapter on my phone, so I'm sorry for any errors.


Oh my, Michael.

The rest of Christmas break for Michael and Calum was spent sharing small kisses and whispered 'I love you's. Calum was sad when his sister had to leave to go back to Uni, but she promised she would visit soon.

The first day back at school, everyone was so sluggish and tired, and, thankfully, teachers didn't assign homework. In Gym, Irina wouldn't talk to Michael, no matter how hard he tried. She was really pissed at him, and he couldn't tell why. She didn't walk with him to lunch, and so Michael had to sit in uncomfortable silence with her until their other friends arrived.

"Hey," Ashton said, grinning when him and Luke arrived at their seats.

"You guys suck," is all Irina said, poking at her salad. "Like, in the bad way."

"How so?" Luke asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She just shook her head and continued to poke at her salad.

Calum arrived then, and he sat without saying a word, seeing the angered look on Irina's face. He gave Michael a confused look, and Michael just shrugged.

"Whatever," she huffed. "I didn't want to go ice skating with you, anyway."

"Oh, shit," Ashton said, guilt filling his eyes. "I'm so sorry we didn't invite you. But, how'd you figure it out?"

"One of my friends texted me a picture of Calum and Michael saying she found a cute gay couple at the ice skating rink, and you and Luke were in the background."

Luke frowned. "We're going to make it up to you," he said. "Right after school, right, guys."

"Absolutely," Calum said, grinning.

She smiled weakly. "Nah. It's okay. I'd be a fifth wheel, anyway." She stood and threw her trash away. She hadn't even eaten anything. "I'll see you guys later," she said, before leaving the lunchroom.

"What was that all about?" Michael asked, concerned for his friend.

"I honestly have no idea," Luke said, looking after where she had gone. "Should we go check on her?"

Ashton shook his head. "I think she just needs some space. Do you really think she was that upset that we didn't invite her?"

"Girls are weird like that. I just completely forgot to invite her, and now I feel so bad."

"I think she'll get over it, with time. But, we need to bring her a pizza after school and cuddle her."

"The best remedy," Michael said, and his boyfriend smiled fondly at him.

"I-I think I'm going to go check on her," Luke said, standing.

"Luke, I really think she just needs to be left alone," Calum said softly, grabbing his friend's wrist.

Luke bit his lip and shook his head. "I've spent more time with Irina than you guys have. When she's this upset, bad things happen."

"Like what?" Michael asked.

"The last time something that really bothered her happened, she, um..." Luke took a deep breath, and Calum slowly let go of his wrist. "She got super drunk and ran out into traffic. I had followed her to the bar she went to, because I knew she wasn't okay, so when she ran out into traffic, I went out there and got her. I took her back to my house, and the next morning, she told me that she wished I hadn't gotten her. She was completely sober when she said that, too.

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