Beautiful Beasts (One Direction Vampire Love Story)

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  • Dedicated to Emma Penton

A/N This story (not real) takes place over the summer, so don't worry about SCHOOL!!!! By the way readers POV means "Point Of View" for the character (many real people but not all part of name is real).

Brianna's POV

I was running through a forest freaking out, about to scream my head off, then I look back and the next thing I know, I'm headless looking at my body with no head. I stopped to get my breath then I looked around, it was a nightmare. I look at my alarm clock 12:00 am. I opened my door and looked up and down the hall way. I went down the stairs to find my dad on the couch snoring an earthquake with the television on and he was watching the news, so I quietly walked to the kitchen. I found some paper and a pen, I wrote: "Mom, I'm going on a walk and should be back by the time you get up, Brianna." I left it on the counter and went to my room got some skinny jeans, tennis shoes and a sweatshirt on then went back down stairs. I looked at my dad sleeping on the couch and thought about how could my mom stay mad at him. I was about to walk out the door when I heard the reporter on the TV say " One Diretion just showed up, they are getting on their bus. Bedford has One Direction driving around." I had a stunned look on my face thinking One Direction is in Bedford, a small town that doesn't get much action, wow. So, I walked out the door heading up to the school swings.

Harry's  P.O.V

I'm hungry, can we hunt, I said with a starving look on my face. "No, not until we stop the bus and find somewhere to stay parked for the night." Liam said. We found somewhere but I think the guys where to buisy talking about the tour that they forgot.

One Hour Later.....

It's 1:00 am and the guys are asleep so I took out some paper and a pen and told the guys I was going to hunt. The problem was that this little town, has a small forest near it but I didn't hear anything in there to satisfy my hunger. I kept running then I smelled the most delicious thing in the world and set out to find it.

Brianna's P.O.V.

I was walking up a steep hill twords the school and fell, I scrapped my knee a little. My knee is bleeding a little, but not to much. As I was walking I felt a cool breeze and I thought I heard something like a stick get crunched under a foot or something. I looked around, but it was to dark to see much "Hello," I said but I didn't hear anything. As I was looking around me I thought I saw a figure, but it disapeared seconds after I saw it. I thought it was nothing and took my phone out of my pocket, then looked at the time 1:30 am.  I finally got to the swings and started kicking the dirt. "Hello, love" I heard a deep soothing voice say from behind me. I felt a gently push on my lower back and I started moving. I asked, the stranger "Who are you and what do you want?"

Harry's P.O.V

"Who are you and what do you want? she asked me in a scared yet calm voice. I told her I don't want anything, and if you want to know who I am turn around. She turned around and was looking in my green eyes with her beautiful brown ones. I still can't see you though, it's to dark for my eyes, she said to me with a kind of trusting voice. "Excuse me love, but did you get cut or something?" I asked the beautiful girl.

Brianna's POV

His voice was so soothing, I told him that I wish I could see his face because his voice is so soothing. "I know love it's a gift," he told me.

"Love, what is you name anyway?"he asked,

"M-my name?"

"Yes, your name and no need to be scared."

" My name is Brianna Anderson," I told him, he told me that it was a beautiful name.

Harry's POV

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