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Cameron pov

We were minuets, even seconds away from the concert starting. The opening act was finishing up there last song. Most of the teenagers here sat on their phone while listening to the music simply because we were here for One Direction not the the opening acts. Witch I completely understood that, that's how they become a big hit. That's how 5 Seconds of Summer started right?

"You excited?" Taylor asks while looking up. We had gotten front row seats directly in front of the stage. The music was super loud witch only made Taylor scream louder. And I roll my eyes and divert my eyes from my phone to Taylor. I then nod my head and she rolls her eyes. My phone buzzes again.

Yet another text from Liam.

I was beyond scared about meeting him after the concert yet it only seemed to get closer and closer.

What if he sees my face and doesn't think I'm pretty? Will he like me then? Or, he sees the real person I am and instantly freaks out, what about that? What if I'm not who he thought I was?

There were so many what ifs that there wasn't any confidence left in me. I give up. I'm not going to meet him! It and up and start to walk away only for Taylor to grab my arm and yank me back. "Your not walking away just because of some before meeting him jitters. Harry's expecting you to be here and meet the love of your life!" Tyler tells me and I let out a small huff.

I can't do it.
I just can't!

How am I suppose to meet Liam and be like, "Hey I'm the girl that you've been texting!" Do you know how crazy that is? No, I can't do it.
But I want to!
But I can't. I'm not who Liam thinks I am. He probably thinks I'm some super hot model or something. I feel sick, I need to throw up.

"I'll be back." I tell Taylor and before she could try and change my mind I ran out to the main entrance and found the nearest trash can and threw up. I never did good in these types of situations. When I'm finished I turn around only to run into someone. "S-sorry!" I hiccup and turn away when a deep soothing voice stops me.

"Did you throw up?" It can't be. I turn around slowly and met those brown eyes along with four other pairs of eyes. I didn't realize who I ran into. It was Liam fucking Payne!

"I-uh- yeah? I'll be fine."

"You should probably see a doctor for that, love!" Louis replied and I start to hyperventilate.

The boys rush over to me. "Just back off!" I breath, I couldn't believe this. I was actually talking to them! In person, I met Liam's yes again and butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Do we need to call your ride?" I give him that crazy look.

"Are you kidding? Hell no! I've waited for this to long to miss you guys concert and this is like oh my god!" I couldn't form an actual sentence. They laugh a little and smile but it was Liam's laugh that made all my nerves leave. He liked me for me.

"I must go back to my friend, I'll uh see you guys on stage! Good luck!" I turn away and rush back to my seat, I couldn't wait to tell Taylor! When I got to my seat the band that was playing was off stage and they were playing the latest hits until it was time for One Direction to come on stage.

"Where did you go?" Taylor asks me.

"I threw up, don't worry I'm fine! Just nerves s'all. But I ran into the boys! They were there and we had a short conversation and Liam liked me for me! He didn't even know I was Cameron," I tell her grinning from ear to ear. "That's great! Not the throwing up part but yeah!" I give her a big hug when music stars playing loud and I divert my attention to the stage to see the concert was starting and I couldn't believe I was seeing them live! All my life I had seen them over computer screens and this was definitely real.

"That was so fucking awesome!!" Taylor screaming afterwards as we stumble around after the concert trying to find the back stage entrance. Finally we come across some body guards. "We're looking for the back stage entrance," I tell him and the guy looks at us. "Listen girls, do I need to call security?"

"I'm here to meet Harry." I state seriously.

"So is every other girl," he says them points for me to walk away. Taylor huffs as if she wants me to do something only I don't know what to do. "Show him our pass?" She suggests. I pull out my ticket and Taylor does the same as we show it to him.

The guy lets out a huff. "The chick was right," he mutters. "Let me call Preston and we'll get you guys back." I smile and turn around.

"Oh my god we're so close! I can feel it!" Taylor squeals. "Are you nervous?"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? Harry says he's in love with me when he doesn't even know me." I state and I get yet another text from Liam. This was the 70th text from him in the last 4 hours not even joking.

"Girls?" I turn around to see another security guard with a name tag that said Preston. The famous Preston! "Follow me." We both do as told. "So who gave you these tickets?" He asks holding up our tickets.

"Well, it's a very long story but Harry gave them to Louis friend who goes to our school." I explain shortly.

"Okay." He leads us down long corridors. Soon were at a door, he knocks and a muffled coming is heard. Next thing I know Harry is opening the door, shirtless. He smirks at me and Taylor.

"I knew it was you Cameron!" He says excitedly. I smile shyly and he motions for me and Taylor to come into his dressing room.

"Ni, we have the two lovely girls!" Oh, Niall and him share a dressing room? We walk into a huge mess and I'm shocked.

"Their quiet!" Niall comments while drinking coffee in his hand. "H-hi?" I stutter and he chuckles. "Aren't you the girl who threw up before the concert?" I blush and nod.

"This is my friend Taylor, I'm Cameron!" I reach my hand forward.

"Wait your The Cameron? Liam's lover?"

"Shhhh!" Harry hushes and we laugh. "Sorry for the mess Louis doesn't know how to clean."

"It's fine." I tell him.

Taylor begins carrying a conversation with Niall and I look at Harry. "You ready to meet Liam?" I nod and try to hide my smile. "I'm nervous but yeah."

"He likes you I promise!" He states then take some back to the hallway and I stop when I see Liam down the hall with Louis and Zayn talking. His back facing me. Harry stops and whispers.

"How do you want to meet him?"

"How we talked for the first time." I tell Harry and he looks at me weird. Not fully getting it. I pull out my phone taking a deep breath.

Cameron: Hi

His phone lets off noise stating he got a text and he stops the conversation to look at his phone.

Liam: Hey, why haven't you been answering? I've been worried sick!

Cameron: You worried about me? Pfftttt

Liam: I have! I missed your endless teasing.

Cameron: Well I'm here

Cameron: Turn around

I put my phone away and Liam turns around and sees me.


How will Liam respond to meeting Cameron? The world may never know! Jk you will soon! :)

Have you heard the boys new song? It's amazing!!!

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I love you! Bye

Texting (Liam Payne)Book1Where stories live. Discover now