I'm Sorry Ann

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     Finally, at dinner time, Ann unlocked Elsa's door, opened it, and shut it behind her. 

 "Hello Elsa. Here's your dinner." She sounded uncomfortable and rushed. "It's lobster with mozzarella sticks. Good bye."

 "Wait!" Elsa said before Ann left.
 "What Elsa? I have to go," Ann stammered. 
 "Come here."
 "Okay?" Ann went over to Elsa but not right next to her. Elsa knew that Ann was uncomfortable.
 "I can build a little snowman with my hands!" Elsa said as she put her hands in different motions. "Come closer to see the real magic!" Ann went a tiny bit closer and said,
 "I can see it from here Elsa. Very cool. Now I got to go."
 "Wait! One more thing."
 "What Elsa?" Ann was getting anxious now.
 "This!" Elsa shot the snow at Ann's head. She fell backwards after the hit. Her body slammed against the wall and she was barely conscious. Snow was growing onto her clothes.
 "El- El- Elsa, w-why would you d- d- do this to me? I ne- need help n- now!" Ann's voice was getting weaker. Elsa looked at Ann with worry and deep in her heart, she had some guilt. But in her mind, it felt amazing that Ann was dying!
  "No Ann, I can't."
  "W- why Elsa?" Ann was about to cry.
  "I'm not stupid Ann! I thought you were my friend but apparently you're a liar. You're just like Anna. You told my mother about the secret that you promised not to tell anyone!" Elsa started to cry after she yelled.
 "El- Elsa, I w-was worried about you a-and Anna, so I t-told your mother so s-she could help y-you guys be real s-sisters again! Please h-help me. I'm s-so cold!" Ann stuttered while freezing to death.
 "I'm sorry Ann, I don't need your help. I hate Anna and I always will. Your time is now up." Without thinking Elsa shot more ice toward Ann's heart and she froze into solid ice. Then moments after Ann froze, Elsa ran over to her and cried on her frozen shoulder. Elsa couldn't believe what she had done.
 "Mama!" Elsa cried. The queen quickly unlocked the door and shut it when she ran in.
 "Elsa what have you done?!" She went over to Ann. "Oh no! Ann! Ann! Can you hear me?!" The queen started crying too.
 "It was an accident Mama!" Elsa cried.
 "Elsa, no it wasn't an accident and you know it wasn't!" Elsa felt ashamed of herself.
     Minutes later, Ann's family was called, Ann was melted and couldn't be revived. She was pronounced dead. Her family was devastated. Even Ann's oldest, meanest sister, Aubrey was too. The worst part for Elsa was that she couldn't attend Ann's funeral.
A couple minutes after Elsa's family came back home from the hospital, the king and queen went right into her room and didn't say anything and glared at her, waiting for a response from Elsa. They were truly disappointed with her. Then they left the room. Elsa cried on her bed for the rest of that night.
 "I'm sorry Ann."
Author's note: Hi thanks for reading! The next chapter will come out soon! I'll give you a little hint. The next chapter is when Elsa is 18 and Anna is 15. Yay. I can't wait to write it and you hopefully can't wait to read it! :P bye.

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